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||Chapter 2||
The Great Wolf

"Okay..." Leo huffed. In front of him, there was a multitude of glass pieces, everyone one of them shaped differently then the one before. "I think I almost got it just right...I need more sand though."

He smiled as he wiped off the sweat from his forehead and got up with a stretch, a couple of cracks in his back and shoulders audible.

It was already slightly dark out, but he didn't care.

He grabbed a decent sized disc that was made out of small pieces of wood weaved together. He put on his poncho as he made his way out the door and to the back of the extended piece of the cabin.

It wasn't attached to the the cabin, but like it's own small hut. That's where he did most of his handiwork.

His workshop, if you would.

He walked a bit before he reached the river.

The woven disc splashed around some water as it dived in. Leo shuffles it in the sand and collected a good pile.

He shook it a bit to let the water drain as he took out big pieces of rocks and some grass.


Suddenly a low growl was heard in the forest.

He looked up. His house was surrounded by the forest in the front and back, though the river separated the back part of the forest.

He looked in the distance. He couldn't see anything.

But he felt eyes on him.

He slowly got up, trying to ignore the creeping feeling of someone watching him.

"Oh screw it," He said, and turned around, setting the woven disc down.

He went into the river to cross, getting his pants wet but he didn't care.

Something was out there.

His ears twitched with every small sound he heard, hoping it to be made by something friendly.

He finally made it to a circular clearing, the trees curling inwards like it was going towards the center.

He hadn't realized just how dark it had gotten before he entered the place.

If he looked up, the circle clearing the trees made let him get a good view of the starry sky above.

He sat in the middle, legs crossed as he took in the beautiful view, forgetting why he came in the first place.

He looked around as fireflies started to blink out from seemingly no where, circling him.

Birds flew in, circling him as well, some landing on his head and shoulders. Butterflies also flew around him, an orange one landing on his nose.

He smiled. It took a while to get the animals to trust him, he could be pretty wild at times.

Only yesterday did he befriend a deer, and he'd been trying for almost a year.

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