1- Confession

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Australia- January 2017

I wake up dreading going to school today because its the first day back after Christmas. So i got ready as slow as possible and leave five minutes late. by no fault of my own...

I walk into my english class and sluggishly plop myself down onto my seat at the back of the class

"Hey Renna, lookin' rough." he said. I lift my head up to see my best mate Felix

"Yeah, and somehow you look perfect, as per usual" i say rolling my eyes. Felix gives me a playful nudge and sits down beside me.

After sitting through seven dreadful classes and listening to my teachers going on and on about exams i felt like life its self has been drained entirely from my body.

I see a friendly face coming up to me as i'm getting my jacket from my locker. "Wow you look even worse than you did in the morning." he says with a chuckle. "Thank you Felix" i say dryly. "So... you wanna come to mine and play overwatch" he says with a grin. "Oh my god did you get it for Christmas? Why didn't you tell me!" i say hitting his arm. "I wanted to wait to play it with you. Its boring playing alone."

After getting destroyed by Felix in my first three games i gave up. "Hey do you have any ramen in ill make us some if your mums okay with you having an early dinner?" i say standing up after losing another round. "Yeah go on, theres eggs in the fridge if you want to crack one in please~." he says childlike but still keeping his eyes fixed on the game. I chuckle at how cute he is "Anything for my oppa~." i say teasing.

Small time skip

"Shit, it's already eight i need to get home or else my mum is going to come over here like she did last time." i say covering my face in embarrassment. "Oh yeah she was deadly that night" he says slightly scared. "I'll walk you and say hi to your mum."

On the walk home Felix went sort of silent which he never usually does, but i could tell something was bothering him. "Hey, you alright?" i say softly. He lifts his head to look at me for a second and says "I... well you see um... i think i might like you if you are okay with that if thats not weird or anything." he blurts out and continues walking with his head hung low. "Felix! What do you mean you like me?" i say almost concerned. "i have always liked you Renna but i was too scared to say it incase it ruined our friendship." he says whist stopping in front of my gate. I look up with glossy eyes but before i could say anything he interrupts me "I'm going home now, i'm so sorry if i ruined our friendship" he says avoiding eye contact and walks away. I stood still there unable to move i felt like i was being choked, i wanted to shout to him "Felix i have loved you since we were 4 and there is nothing you could say to change my mind!". But i didn't, i was frozen.

Australia- February 2017

It's been a week since Felix confessed to me and it has been a week since i last saw him. He hasn't been in school he isn't answering the phone he hasn't shown up online on xbox. He was officially m.i.a. I started to feel this huge loneliness in school and realised he was my only close friend.

It has been another week since Felix last spoke to me. I thought it would be better to let him cool off for a bit but two weeks is too long and i am really struggling without him. I sit in my usual seat in english and wait for him to walk through the door. "Renna have you seen Felix by any chance?" my teacher said after doing the register. I shake my head no. "Isn't he moving to Korea?" I heard one of my classmates say. "What?" i said in confusion. "Yeah my brother works with his dad and he said that Felix in going to move to Korea." "What when?!" i say more concerned. "My brother said he was going next week, but he said that last week so i don't know." I stared shocked with my jaw hanging "Did he not tell you?" she said. I ignored her and stood up "Miss can i go to the nurse in not feeling well?" "Yes of course, take your bag with you." she said in a sympathetic tone.

I sprinted out of the school to Felix's house and knocked on the door rapidly until someone answered. It was Rachel i greet her breathlessly and ask where Felix is. She looked at me with her eyes wide and not quite sure what to say. "Renna, his flight was this morning, i'm sorry honey." I take a second to process what she said and i just start sobbing, she pulls me in for a hug and try's to comfort me as best she can. But i can't stand crying in front of people so i quickly untangle myself and say thank you to her and make my way home.

The next few days all i did was lie in bed and text Felix with no response.


A/N: Heyyyy hoped you liked it. As i said before this is my first ever story so if things are messy please tell me how i can improve it :)
Also i only have the next two chapters planned out and i have exams on so sorry if updates are far apart <3

Childhood friends// Lee FelixUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum