Harlivy Part 8

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Ivy and Harley became one happy big family and had a daughter named Lilac and then they went on a Rollercoaster and a Carnival and Ivy won Lilac a big giant teddy bear but the next morning she woke up and was very sick and throwing up everywhere so Harley had to take her to the hospital and the whole family was making sure she was feeling better soon so they did everything to help her so Lilac and Harley brought Ivy flowers and she loved them so much but she was also sick and sneezing bc flowers made her allergic... so instead Harley and Lilac brought her a cat bc she loved cats but that also didn't work so they bought her a dog and the dog helped her not sneeze... they had the dog as a puppy and grew up as a mother and with a big family and as we suspect the dog was a mother and had a baby puppy they were all in awe.

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