East and West (Fem! Y/N x Starlo platonic)

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Request by- Hokutsy (Wattpad refuses to let me @ people. Also my PC was running seriously running on beans or something.

Three years had passed since the barrier broke. Three years since Y/N had seen Starlo, three years...One day Y/N went back down to the underground to see him.

"Hey." Y/N said with a slight knock on the door to Starlo's house.

"...Y/N...?" Starlo questioned, raising his head up and putting his old hat down. Y/N stepped closer.

"Been awhile, huh?" Y/N said with an almost pitiful smile. She really didn't want to deal with having to explain what she was doing for three years, yet it seems like she will since Starlo still looks shell-shocked.

"It really is you...?" Starlo was wary of whether he was dreaming or not. He moved a bit closer to Y/N in an attempt to see if she was real.

"I'm as real as ever, Eastern Bunny." Y/N said with a smirk, loving how even after all this time Starlo still looked embarrassed about Y/N's nickname for him.

"Really? Eastern Bunny? Listen... The East ain't big enough for the West to come over what feels like every three years." Starlo responded, a bit displeased about Y/N refusing to give up on the nickname even after all this time.

Y/N stuck her tongue out at Starlo and said, "I still think Eastern Bunny is a cute nickname. Or would you rather I call you Low? Cause' you're acting really low right now." Even after all this time Y/N refuses to give up her childish banter between her and Starlo.

"Ha ha. How mature of you, Y/N." Starlo responded blankly, which made Y/N pout slightly.

"You're acting like you're more mature than me, which you're clearly not." Y/N responded, turning away with a small sigh, "Though, really...You act like you..." Y/N trailed off, not wanting to finish what she was about to say.

Starlo raised an eyebrow, "I act like I what?" He leaned against a wall, next to Ceroba.

"Gosh, you two still act like children, and Starlo, you really don't know what she means?" Ceroba questioned, like she has everything figured out in her head already.

"What?! You act like you know everything!" Starlo said in a bit of anger. Ceroba just shrugged and stirred her drink that was sitting on a nearby table.

"East, West? Really, you don't see it? Even if it isn't what I think, it's still clear you two at least care a little bit for each other, after all Y/N made her way down to the underground again after multiple years have passed. Don't see anything weird with that?" Ceroba asked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Starlo responded, causing Ceroba to groan slightly.

"I swear I'm slowly losing brain cells because of you." Ceroba said, rubbing her temples slightly.

"Since when did you have brain cells?" Y/N asked. Ceroba just gave a slight playful glare.

"Since when did you actually speak to me?" Ceroba asked.

"Touché." Y/N responded with a shrug.

"You two are strange friends." Ceroba responded, mostly forgetting about the comment Y/N said and going back to talking about how Y/N and Starlo clearly care for each other.

"I don't think the two of us are really friends, after all. People from the West don't get along with people from the East." Starlo said, "Wait...That was backwards...Whatever, you understand my point."

"Okay, but like...I ain't in the West or the East anymore. I'm in the North. So rules don't apply anymore." Y/N responded.

'Seriously when will these two be friends again? It feels like the last time the two were friends was when we were just about to turn 13, then all of a sudden the two just stopped being friends. I wonder what happened...' Ceroba wondered in her head, 'I guess when Y/N moved to the West the two just stopped calling each other. I miss those old times where Y/N, Starlo, and I would hang out.'

"If you two get along for...Let's say three hours...I'll buy you both drinks." Ceroba said.

"Deal!" Starlo agreed immediately.

"...I don't drink though." Y/N responded, which surprised Starlo a bit.

"Didn't the West usually hold beer drinking competitions!? So why would you of all people not want to join in on them?" Starlo asked.

"I just don't like the taste." Y/N said, avoiding looking at Starlo. Not that she was lying, she did hate drinking, especially since she moved to the surface that had worse beer than in the underground.

"Come on pleassssseeee!" Starlo begged slightly.
"If it'll get you to stop whining, and if it'll get Ceroba to stop looking at us then fine." Y/N at last agreed.

"Now hug." Ceroba said.

"...What!? N-" Y/N was caught off-guard by Starlo giving her a bone-crushing hug.

"Look, it's just like the old times." Ceroba said, "Also talk about your freaking issues, seriously! It's been like 23-24 years! Talk about them!"

"Yeah...We really should..." Y/N responded, trying to get out of Starlo's grip.


"...When she said talk it out I thought she meant like having a one-on-one-conversation...Not her forcing us into a room." Y/N sighed and sat down.

"Well, we should talk about them, right?" Starlo asked.

"Why did you stop talking to me?" Y/N asked, getting straight to the point.

"W-What!?" Starlo asked.

"Ten years you never contacted me. If I wanted to talk to you it had to be through a face-off. Seriously, you never picked up my calls, nor did you even bother to text back. I get it, phones were new back then. But what about later? You never even bothered to do much." Y/N seemed more angry, and less playful than she was before.

"...I don't know, I guess since my parents told me that people from the West were bad...I kind of just believed them. So I thought that you became bad too." Starlo whispered, "I'm sorry..."

"...We should start over..." Y/N suggested.


"We should start over as friends...Maybe we'll get it right this time." Y/N responded.

"Okay...Friends?" Starlo asked.

"Friends." Y/N assured.

Towards the end I had no idea what I did. Hope y'all liked it though,

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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