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summary: apart of sport series, but it's choir!
request: yes and by @kotlc2744
triggers: none

•let's get into it•

- brings flowers to every performance

- he FaceTimes you while getting ready because he knows it helps to calm your nerves

- makes you sing in front of him always

- whenever you say that your not good a singing he gets so mad because he loves what you do

- goes out to dinner after with you after

- will make you your favorite tea and bring it to you during school either before or after your choir class (he sneaks into the teacher lounge)

- he loves to try and sing your songs, finds it to be so funny

- he knows how much you love theatre, (most choir kids do tbh) and takes you to see musicals all the time

- gives you a big hug once you get to see him after your done performing

- he makes sure that he gets your attention while your walking on stage so he knows that you know that he is there supporting you

- shows his friends videos of you singing

- might sound odd, but he loves when you singing little tunes to him while y'all are chilling

the end!

a/n: sorry this is so short! also any requests that are wanting to be kept anonymous needs to be sent in within the next day and a half! thank you all

word count: 236

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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