Chapter 5 trial pt 2:

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Kana- the mastermind huh? One of us.... is a traitor......

Marin- *Yawns* Who could that be?

Akane- W-We dont know for sure. But lets save that topic for later

Teruya- If you say so

Ayumu- ....................................

Marin- You ok ayumu kun?

Ayumu- Y-Yeah. Just thinking...lets get back on the case ok?

Marin- Alright......

Akane- What else should we discuss?

Teruya- What about the murder weapons?

Kana- what about them?

Teruya- This miiiight not be a good topic, but i was wonderin', why would the killer kill hin with 2 weapons?

Ayame- Over kill perhaps?

Kana- .....!

Ayame- Kana? Your hair is pointing up?

Kana- Dont mind that ._. I just realize what teruya was talking about.

Akane- What is he talking about?

Kana- shozo's stab wounds were dried.

Ayumu- It was?

Kana- Yes. Teruya told me that he stab wounds were patched up.

Akane- so? He died to the axe

Ayumu- That might be good information. There are 2 murder weapons, so its makes sense that one weapon killed him.

Marin- Hawa......Big sis thinks the killer killed shozo with the axe @_@

Kana- I think so too.

Teruya- So the killer used the knife to stab shozo before killing him with the axe

Akane- Mission solved!

Ayumu- Yeah! what?

Mikado- lets discuss the most important topic. Exposing the traitor.

Kana- Or mastermind.

Wolfie- ...................................

Ayame- Whats wrong wolfie?

Wolfie- N-Nothing....

Ayame- Ok.....

Teruya- ..................(this aint the 6 trial and we're already talking about the mastermind wut)

Ayumu- so the mastermind.......

Kana- They are the one behind the entire game.

Ayame- the one who made us kill each other

Marin- the one who stressed out big sis's heart :(

Akane- its one of us....

The room went silent......seems like this is the smoking gun.

Ayumu- lets talk bout what we know so far...

Mikado- Shozo set up security cameras in order to catch the traitor, he found the traitor, but got killed.

Ayumu- The only reason why he was killed was to stay silent. No doubt about it.

Danganronpa: A wolf in sheep's clothingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora