Year 3- Chapter 3: The White Room Students

243 10 8

: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Chabashira entered the Class announcing the results of the test;

First Place- Class B: +100 Points

Second Place- Class C: + 50 Points

Third Place- Class A: + 25 Points

Fourth Place- Class D: +/- 0 Points

Chabashira then writes out the Class point Totals;

Class A (Kiyotaka)- 1685

Class B (Sakayanagi)- 1350

Class C (Ichinose)- 1280

Class D (Ryuen)- 1000

Suzune: Still no ideas?

Kiyotaka: I need some more time to investigate. They are good at hiding their presence.

Suzune: I see.

Kiyotaka: However. There are some people I'm wary of.

Suzune: Who?

Kiyotaka: Nakamura Sora.

Suzune: Him?

Kiyotaka: Yes. Though most of his class looked to one individual in their class one of them looked to him.

Suzune: Nakamura huh? Do you think he's the "Failed Product?"

Kiyotaka: No he's not. But he could be a White Room Student.

Suzune: About that. Did you hear? His Class was promoted to Class B.

Kiyotaka: I am aware of that. He used Class D's expulsion and the confusion caused by it to move his class up.

Suzune: You think he's the leader?

Kiyotaka: Yes. He obviously had nothing to do with the expulsion of Class 1-D. They were all his allies after all. But he's taking advantage of the situation to strengthen his position.

Kiyotaka- It seems he wants to experience this outside world and is taking advantage of this mission to do so. However, I doubt he would betray the organization.


Ryuen POV

Ryuen approached Ichinose.

Ryuen: You know something don't you? About the Mastermind behind Class 1-D's expulsion?

Ichinose: I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about Ryuen-Kun.

Ryuen grabs her arm.

Ryuen: Don't lie to me.

That's when a tall boy with black hair and green eyes grabbed Ryuen's arm. Ryuen inspected him closely noticing his build. Ryuen noticed that the boy gave off a very professional aura.

Ryuen- He's like that Monster President. I assume this has something to do with "The White Room".

???: Are you alright Ichinose-Senpai?

Ichinose: I'm fine Nakamura-Kun.

Nakamura: I think it's best for you to leave Ryuen-Senpai.

Ryuen swings a kick at him which Nakamura catches with ease.

Nakamura: That's enough Ryuen-Senpai.

Nakamura lets go of Ryuen's leg. Ryuen plants it on the ground and throws a punch only for Nakamura to catch it and kick Ryuen straight in the gut as Ryuen stumbles back. Ryuen then goes in for another attack as Nakamura perfectly counters his attack and lands several attacks on his shoulder and then elbows him in the face and then punches him in the chest causing Ryuen to fall onto the ground bruised.

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