you're a monster 😈😈

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Author's pov /

She never ever saw celorina like this before  her eyes turned into a dark red her nails were so long Lia  was looking celorina without blinking but celorina was looking straight into aiwi's eyes.  Lia dramatically tries to stop celorina but celorina push Lia so hardly in a second Lia was on the ground.  aiwi were too shocked of celorina's behaviour. She goes to Lia who was fell on the ground and tries to wakeup her . But celorina was coming straight to aiwi but she was stopped by leacy.

Leacy :  stop  celorina it's not true what you're thinking it's definitely not the truth. Listen tooo me you can't do this to her stop it. She is not the killer.

Celorina:  SHE IS NOT BUT SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF KILLER. ( Her voice was scary as sea ) ( Walks towards to aiwi who was helping Lia.)

Leacy:  did  you lose you're mind celorina how can humans kill a powerful  vampire . Think about it ( trys to stop celorina by holding her arm )

Celorina: ( holds  leacy throat ) if you don't wana die instead of her then get the fucking  away from here. ( She looking different person )

Aiwi:   celorina...! ( Shouted in anger )

Celorina:  WHERE IS YOU'RE PARENTS. ( Walks towards her with her true' self  )

Aiwi: ( shocked by what is just saw and started crying ). Monster you're monster.

Leacy: aiwi run ( leacy pushes celorina into a bathroom and looks it and starts to run with aiwi )

Celorina: OPEN THE FUKING DOOR.....( She breaks the door and comes out from there too find out aiwi's parents)


Someone strated to knock the door.

Aiwi's  father: yes coming.

Aiwi's: who's that?

Aiwi's Father: don't know honey maybe Lia.

Aiwi's father opens the door . And suddenly someone attacks him. And tries to kill him but aiwi's mother words stoped that person right there.

Aiwi's mother:  my dear queen we are not the killers.

Celorina: WHAT ..?

Aiwi's  father: we know you queen celorina. We do we know you.

Celorina: how who you are?

Aiwi's father: we are the one who tried too save your mother.

Celorina: nooo it's not true.

Aiwi's mother: this is the truth

Aiwi's father: 17 years ago we were in a trip with our little Angel and she was  sick her disease was uncured we were broke  we diced to die but then saw aa lady who was covered with aaa blood and she was harmed by aaa Strong weapons. We took her home and treate her but she said we can't stop her from dieing and she told about you and she write you letter and told me to save it in box and I did the same then she put  a tattoo in my child's shoulder and told me that she the real saver your kingdom need her then I placed that box in your kingdom library and the dairy I don't know anything about the dairy and killer..  I have told you what I know .... And one thing my daughter will help you to open that dairy.. soooooo.

  (  fels in the ground   )

Aiwi's mother: enimes are around you save my child don't leave her alone save her ..... ( Fels In the ground )

Celorina: whatttttt no what happened open your eyes plsss talk tooo me what happend ( starts crying but then observes arrows in there back which is the reasons for there death.)

Celorina: no you can't die like this come on I am sorry wakeup....( Cutted off by someone )

Someone: you killed them....( Fels in the ground )

Leacy: no aiwi wakeup aiwi..

Celorina: nooo aiwi wake-up ( tries to touch her )

Leacy: don't touch her you killed her parents... ( Pushes her away )

Celorina: nooooo nooo leacy I don't believe me ( explains everything that happened )

Leacy: nooo you're ( see someone with aaa black coat in the other which feels  like that she had seen it somewhere)

Celorina: noooo noooo aiwi nooooo ( starts crying )

Leacy: stop crying and let's take her tooo mansion...( Rudely )

Celorina: okkk okkkk tell me one thing she loves me right.

Leacy: she loved you but not anymore

Celorina: I will make her belive me I will make her love me.


In a dark room

Leacy: tie her

Celorina: what noo!

Leacy: if you want her to be safe then tie her.

Celorina: okkkk but listen to me once plsss.

Leacy: okkkk I will first tie her

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⏰ Última actualización: May 27 ⏰

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