Mindless, but deep conversation

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"Last night all I think about is you,
Late nights in the middle of june.
Heatwaves been faking me out,
Can't make you happier now."
-Heat Waves by Glass Animals

finally had another dream after a month without having any.
But this dream was somewhat strange. Which was why I remember it, and which was why it remained in my mind.
I dreamt of them again, I waved at them like I used to.
But this time, they gave me a cold gaze.
The location, I don't even remember where it is based from, but it's very familiar.

Lost in thought, I was. Because that gaze wasn't what I expected.
Suddenly, I heard a voice calling out.
"Come here, child." The unknown person said.
That voice was familiar as well and very feminine, and they are giving off a source of warmth.
However, I had never got their name.

All I know is that they could be an angel.

"What weighs on your mind this time, dear child? It's unusual for you to come back to me again." They spoke in a very gentle tone, so gentle as if it was silk touching my face.
But, I remained quiet.
"Was it because of those friends of yours again? Were you crying about them again?" They asked, and finally, I nodded.

I remember them giving me a hug, it's more gentle than the hug my mother gave me.
"Sometimes, dear child. It's best if you leave them alone for a while. You don't have to talk to them all the time if you do end up distant, cause it won't make a change to the situation." They explained, "And if they do leave you, don't put yourself at blame. Because if he leaves, that means he is one of those who will stay temporarily to fill that hole in your life before leaving and leaving it empty again. All you do is accept it, don't dwell too much about it. Cause there's nothing you can control."

But then, I asked them, but my voice was shaky
"But what if I'm too attached to them..? What will happen to me if they leaves?"

They placed a hand on my shoulder before continuing,
"dear child, the only thing that will happen to you is grief. But you have other friends, like that friend you've been friends with for 3 years, They're a good example. But look at me, there's nothing you can do when someone leaves your life. Sure, there are goodbyes. But sometimes, it's not forever. You'll meet them once again eventually, no?"

Mindlessly attached to him, yet I find comfort in dreams.

"Before you go, dear child. Let me remind you, every life that you're going to be in will have its flaws. Sure, people will be flawed, the society could be flawed. But you can make it through, alright?" They smiled, before pushing me towards the door.
"It's time to wake up now, ------"

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