"dying dreams but I am still loving you like an alcoholic."

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"One last kiss, I love you like an alcoholic.
One last kiss, I love you like a statuette.
One last kiss, I need you like I need a broken leg."
-I Love You Like An Alcoholic by The Taxpayers

My dreams in reality had shattered the day I left you,
Leaving you was the hardest thing to do.
But I did what I must,
Because I loved thee.
But I understand either way,
the day of departure is inevitable.
It hurts to let you go,
But I love you, so I have to.

You loved me like no one ever would,
The treatment we gave to each other,
You did it out of pure plantonic love,
I did it out of love itself,
But I never told you,
Cause it would ruin it all.
But now that you are gone,
My heart has nothing but a hole.
Your mark on my heart is deep,
Because you made me feel a love that I had never felt.
It wasn't fake, it wasn't forced,
What I felt was genuine.

To others, you look like nothing but a person.
To me, you were everything,
My light,
My sun to my moon,
My orange cat to my black cat,
My Kazuha to my Scaramouche.
In general, you are everything to me.
But I doubt you'd believe me,
Not after I had to let you go.
You'd think I'm just guilt tripping for you to say.
But hear me and believe it when I say,
"I love you, nothing will change that."

My heart aches, whenever I see you online,
I could never speak a word to you anymore,
Cause the responses were dry,
You've explained your reason,
I understand,
But it still hurts.
Now, we are both gone from each other's lives,
To you, I was a fleeting moment of life.
To me, you were my entire book.
Someone I always write about.

Letting you go was hard,
But I did it to make you go easier.
For you to be happier.
Maybe some day,
You'll find someone to love as much as I loved you.

For now, this is goodbye.
I do hope we will meet again, my love.
You'll remain as my dream, the dream I know may never come true.

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