08 | Hurricane

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Deep into the warm abyss of A Bite of Blue, Mila and Saija sat across from each other in a cobalt buttoned booth.

This marked Mila's first meeting with her newly appointed title of creative director. Saija noticed how she initiated and enhanced her shop physically and the experience of their customers. So, she only found it right to give her the official title and pay grade for all her hard work.

"Okay, so Halloween," Mila started, her voice a little shaky from the nerves of trying something new. She requested their meeting be held in the bustle of the environment so that Saija could imagine her ideas in real time. "I'm thinking of Blue's Freak Show, a creepy carnival theme."

Saija opened the Manila folder as Mila gestured for her to, immersing into the world Mila created with mock-ups of a limited edition logo with the cute and punny replacement of A Bite of Boo

She was already content with whatever Mila came up with, but she wanted to be engaged to show Mila that she actually cared. "Wow, these are amazing!" Saija's enthusiasm was genuine and authentic as she gave Mila the biggest smile.

Mila did the same in return, happy that it was going smoothly so far. "Instead of the typical red, I thought it would be fun to do our blue. Have that color and white streamers draped over the main area and some more things outside. I also included some ideas for limited edition treats—flavors and designs, but that's your thing so, of course, all of that is up to you."

"No, I'm following you. I love the rotten candy flavor."

Her smile widened, "The next sheet is a far fetched idea, I'm not going to lie." Mila prefaced with a chuckle as Saija shuffled the little stack of papers. Her eyes widened a bit as she read over the flyer, pleased with what she saw.

"I remembered you mentioning how you wanted to do events more frequently, so I figured this Halloween would be a good start, out in the lot and park area. I would consider this a family event, so I'm thinking we could post flyers around your husband's community center, and even personally invite all of the Angelou kids."

"Oh my gosh, that's perfect! I love this so much. I could literally cry and do a cartwheel across the room right now." Saija made her tumble over, laughing. "Yes to everything and there is no budget. I'm excited, Mila! Great job."

Mila thanked her with a grateful smile before they parted ways to do their respective duties for the day. She found herself working register as she watched over the new hires with packaging and serving.

"Have a nice day." She politely dismissed the customer after passing their card and receipt. Dropping down, she rummaged through miscellaneous items to find the paper to refill the printer. Her search came up short before she had to rise once she saw shoes walk up to the counter.

"How can I help you?" He heard her voice before she appeared from below,  happiness swirling within him once she realized it was her.

"First, I'll take one of whatever you think is best on the menu. Then I'd like some of your time if that's possible."

Mila couldn't remember the last time anyone but her daughter made her smile this much. In only a few weeks, Damon made himself prominent in her daily routine, becoming someone on her short list of people who she talked to every day. 

"Are you allergic to anything?" The corner of her lip was lifted as she tapped on the register's tablet, trying to guess what he'd like the most.

"Nope but no mint. Shits' gross." She giggled seeing his face contour with disgust.

"Agreed. Like who in their deranged mind invented mint chocolate chip?"

He chuckled, "When is your next break?"

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