Chapter 1: Search

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"Caught one!" Sidon yelled from behind me. I turned to see a huge carp in my face. "And that means...I win!" He said. "Not on my watch," I grunted, diving into the water. I dived deep this time, pulling a very large fish from the sea and emerging.

"A- a salmon!?" He exclaimed. "Not fair!" He pouted. "Completely fair," I replied. "Let's just go back," Sidon said. "Last one to the domain is a rotton egg!" He yelled, going into a high speed.

I laughed and raced after him. Shoot. He was ten feet in front of me. I focused my eyes on the domain and sped towards it. I was now neck to neck with him. That wasn't enough.

I grabbed onto his back and rode it.

Then I jumped to the small waterfall in front of me and quickly I treaded it. I reached the top, flew into the air, and did a back flip landing majestically on the ground.

Sidon came a second later. "You have cheated!" He exclaimed. "Now, now Sidon," said Yona, walking towards us. "Be a good sport and admit you lost," She said, touching his shoulder.

I silently smirked and walked off to cook my salmon.

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