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November '98 | H I M

When Draco walks into the his dorm not many nights after, he can't believe his eyes.



His eyes are not tricking him. Devyn is really walking around in his boxer shorts. The loose kind he rarely wears.

She helped herself to his clothes.

His underwear.

Shaking his head, he closes the door behind himself. His gear bag thuds next to his dresser. "Unbelievable."

The lower crease of her perfect little ass peeks out when she goes to the tip of her toes to open the window at her bed. He's confused until his eyes meet that of the person whose sweater is covering her upper half.

Malone flashes an insincere smile, a joint between his fingers. "You don't mind, do you?"

Before Draco can reply, Devyn is standing before him. The lack of scorn grips his attention. "It's cold outside. This is way comfier and I thought you'd prefer to know that I am safe."

He fights off a snort. She's trying to curry favor using things he said over a month ago, like he would just forget she is using that poison.

On one part she's right, though. He would much rather have her here in this room than anywhere else in the castle. The idea sets him much more at ease.

And of course, he doesn't have to make a fool of himself by looking for ways to spend more time with her. She's offering it on a silver platter.

"This is as much your room as it is mine," he replies.

"But I have my annoying friend with me." She jabs her thumb over her shoulder. Draco can't get over the fact that she is casually talking to him. "I have no spell for him, but I do for the smell."

"Of him?"

"Hey," Malone reproaches, completely offended while not giving a shit at the same time. "I smell phenomenal. Don't I smell good, Devy?"

Like a call home, she goes over to her bed, sitting down by the window while her friend is lounging by the foot of it. "I would have told you by now. Life is too short to stay around smelly people."

"Amen. That's why I steer clear of Longbottom."

"Tarquin!" Slapping her friend's thigh, Devyn smothers a laugh under her hand.

"What? It's the soil or the dung or whatever he is around all day. I'm sure he smells great in the morning."

Devyn darts a prayer up to whatever gives her strength not to burst out laughing. "You're awful."

"See, that is my unfortunate quirk," he says intelligently. "We all have to carry our burdens."

Seeing Devyn put the joint to her lips is all Draco knows to get a move on. Slapping it out of her hand will end fatal on his end, yet he can't help the fury that rises in him seeing her sully her body.

The urge is too strong, but before he can do anything stupid, Draco directs his pent up energy to quickly take his clothes off minus his underwear. He feels her eyes on him but ignores it. Tossing the sweaty Quidditch uniform in the hamper, he goes straight for the bathroom, not trusting himself what may come out of his mouth.

Behind closed doors, he strips butt naked and turns the shower on, jumping right in, cooling his body down.

First he thought she'd been doing it because everyone else was, outside with the group. That set him right off, made him question if he knew her at all.

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