A Hero's First Love - Chapter 5

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"Are you attending the book launch of Muchos Amadas?" Fanny asked while playing with her Pilot G-Tec pen between her fingers. She does this all the time, especially when she's bored.

Not that I blame her for doing so, though, because I'm starting to feel bored as well. We've been waiting for our Evolutionary Biology professor for almost half an hour now, way beyond the grace period for a free cut.

"I'm not sure yet," I answered, trying to keep a straight face. "I might work on some scientific papers, then head straight for my shift at Jollibee."

Fanny stared at me for a few minutes, squinting her eyes like she was studying my face.

"I smell something fishy," she said while leaning in closer to me.

I tried to move back away from her, but it was hard to do so because our chairs were connected. I also do not want to bother Billie, the intimidating guy seated one seat away from me, when I stand and then return to my seat.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, feigning ignorance, but I knew she would not buy it. She knew me well enough to know my actions, as she has been my close friend for three years now.

Well, I must admit that she kind of forced her way towards me, as we happen to be classmates in most of our classes, taking the same degrees and all, but I do not mind. I like her chaotic energy, and I appreciate her presence.

"Our scientific papers aren't due until next week, and you aren't the kind to do them this early," she said as she eased her way back to her seat.

"We also don't have exams coming up, so I don't see why you won't be going, especially since there are incentives."

I just stared at her, her face looking like her mind's gears were running, until she finally snapped her fingers and dropped her pen. I followed her pen with my gaze. I saw it rolling toward the front row until I could no longer see where it was as it disappeared from view.

"Aha! I know!" I now looked at her and saw her face lighting up, her eyes glinting, and her lips contorted in a mischievous grin.

"What? You were so engrossed in minding my business that you didn't even look for your pen," I said, faking a snarky tone. That distracted her a little bit.

"Huh? Oh, I think it rolled on the floor somewhere, but never mind that, I'll just buy another one," she answered.

"But as I was saying, you..." she continued, this time pointing her finger at me. "You are hiding from someone you don't want to see there!"

Fanny clapped her hands, visibly pleased with herself. Thankfully, our classmates were also busy chitchatting amongst themselves, which drowned out the sound of her clap. I just found myself doing a facepalm.

"Who could it be? An enemy? Someone you asked for cash and whose cash you haven't returned yet?" she said, her eyes still glinting with her playful energy. "Or could it be an old flame?"

"Stop thinking nonsense," I said, trying hard to keep my cool so that she would not think too much about it. "It's nothing serious. I just want to have some rest."

"I really don't believe you. I know how much you love incentives. I even remember you dragging me to go to something I don't like just so you could get plus points for your Humanities class," she said defiantly, clearly not going to drop the issue. "Spill. I won't tell anyone."

"Alright, you got me," I said. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed. "It's something related to why I haven't come home yet."

Fanny gasped and covered her mouth with both hands.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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