Rough Day

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Tuesday comes around the corner as you land outside the UA dorms. Eraser is there as well, "He here?" You ask as Aizawa nods, "Yes." You two walk to the side of the dorms where a large yard is cleared. "Perfect. Let's get started."

Aoyama comes out a bit frail and shy as he approaches you. "Master yourself Shining Hero, I hear you dazzle after all." He nods, "Y-yes sir!" Hearing his accent you nod, "Ready?" You ask Eraser as he also nods.

"Begin!" You yell as Aoyama just comes in swinging wildly. Easily blocking and dodging you hit him on the chest normally. Easily knocking him to one knee. "Really? That's your best? Cmon, you've been through more than this." Assuming your stance Aoyama drives in more focused.

"Good, but." Stepping to the side you grab his wrist and kick his legs out, "You feet work needs adjusting." Letting go and helping him up, you show him a technique. "Follow what I do." Pacing him around the move you did he nods, "I understand keep moving my feet."

You hear him say and nod as he manages to pick up on what you're teaching. "Keep practicing, then show me what you've learned." Aoyama nods as Mina comes out.

"You really are pink. Thanks for the comment on my dog." You say as she smiles, "Of course! I knew Kirishima and me recognized you." Chuckling you begin the match. "You're light." However one simple push and she's all knocked off balance.

Then you point out, "Play your feet like this." Assuming your normal stance you show off planting your feet." She does the same and you push her hard, "See? A lot more stable." "Got it!" Mina nods as the next person is Tsu.

"Froppy right? You remind me of a spider hero, can't remember his name though." Shaking your head Froppy just looks and asks, "Question Y/N sir." "Yeah?" You ask

"My quirk is genetic, how will that play out?" Hearing that you think for a moment, "Treat it normally." Froppy hops around off the dorms and pounces towards you for a kick. Leaning back from contact you jump to avoid a leg sweep.

"Agile. Match." Ending it there you explain, "Good very good, took what you learned a couple days ago. Keep at it." A small ribbit is heard as you nod at Eraser. "Right, that's it for now. I'll be back again soon to keep at it with the others." Aizawa speaks, "Thanks again for doing this Y/N. Don't wanna waste your time."

"Nah, it's fine." Offering a smile you begin to float up into the sky, "If you need me don't afraid to call!" Saluting with two fingers you begin to soar away. 'Life seems good right now.'

Flying over the city your hearing picks up a blood curling screech. 'Oh how the universe finds a way.' Heading towards the origin of the scream you land near the docks to find multiple steel crates torn apart. Fire surrounds a large Nomu as its dark figure stands massively towering at least twenty feet tall.

'Oh no." Heading closer you hear cries for help and quickly ask for help on the hero app. After you post for help the Nomu spots you and screeches again. "Not good at all."

The Nomu rushes you hard knocking heavy machinery out of the way. Spinning around it your met with the neck of its foot as it flips. Launching into the air, your right goggle cracks.

Spinning around you collide hard against its back. "Ok time out!" When you hit against the beast you imbed it within the ground.  However it quickly stands up to throw a right hook. Blocking it hard your feet then sink into the ground.

Then you match a blow from a kick by yanking your foot up against its own. Suddenly it hops up to use its other foot to kick you hard into a ship that was unloading cargo. Flying out of the hold you made you push the ship trying to keep it upright.

"Really... heavy." Focusing all your strength you hear the Nomu leap into the air. "Oh no..." Colliding with your back you both smash inside the ship you were sent into.

//I'm Not Powerless\\ (Male Reader x MHA) 18+Where stories live. Discover now