The Prank

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We all have a girl like August. She's the one that's quiet, sits in the back of class, doesn't socialize unless someone asks her to. She looks extremely bored all the time but pays attention in class. She tries really hard with her grades and extracurricular activities. She barely ever speaks but when she does it's something witty and/or sarcastic. She can be found with headphones or earbuds and the occasional cigarette for her migraines. She's the girl that's always laughing, the kind of girl, who with friends, is a completely different person.

August was one of the many that was made fun of. It was a small school, there weren't any cliques but there were definitely groups of kids that hung out. Everyone laughed or shared joke about someone else. It was a good environment. I remember on the bus when She got off everyone were shift to one side of the bus to watch her run home. It was a weird ritual of tradition, we would watch as she ran as fast as she could down the gravel road that led to her house. We always laughed and cracked jokes that she practicing for the Olympics or that she was scared of buses.

We would learn to regret that. After that prank we learned the real family life of August Geriane.

It was the end of the first semester, we just finished finals. We were getting our results back and then school would be out for a week for holiday. We decided to make August think she failed. She was always getting A+ I don't think she has gotten an A- since 6th grade. I don't remember specifics but I remember her falling for it. I remember her face as it fell, she looked like her world was crumbling. The boys laughed it off saying that Ms.Perfect wasn't perfect anymore. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I get being sad about a bad grade but she looked like someone just smashed her face in with a brick.

My suspicions were confirmed after school. I saw a very nice Mercedes pull up and a very well dressed man with slicked back hair and shined shoes step out. August was shifting uncomfortably on her feet. She has gripping her arms in front of her as she kept eyeing her bag like she wanted to hide in it. Curious I watched, they were by the back entrance to school, which no one used except for coming into school.

The man came up to August, his face set in a stern angry demeanor. August showed him the fake results as she fidgeted with her fingers. I couldn't believe what happened next, maybe I didn't want to, but the man -who I'm assuming is Mr.Geriane- slapped August. Not the head-is-turned-the-other-direction-and-cheek-is-red slap, the knocked-to-the-ground-and-half-your-face-is-red slap. I hid behind the wall afraid of being spotted. August scrambled to her feet, her head down as she sulked to the car. The man pinched his nose. He looked very angry. Very angry.

He stumped past me as he went inside with the fake letter we forged. I felt horrible. It was our fault. We were just trying to be funny and now August is in the car probably feeling like shit with her face raw. We were being dick heads because we thought she was perfect, and now I understand. Her father is head of Geriane Transportation, a very large company, a very expensive company. I wanted to scream at Mr.Geriane not to hit her, but then the guilt washed over me because it was my fault she was hit.

I don't know why I did what I did, it was like my brain took over and my body acted on its own accord. I pulled a book out of my bag, walking over to the car. As Nine Days (OO) played in my head -I don't know why- I knocked on the window. She rolled down the window sniffling, she was trying to hide the fact she was crying. I handed her the book giving her lame excuse that I thought it was hers. She took it nodding a thanks. I think she just wanted me to leave. I smiled at her.

As I turned around Mr.Geriane was there. I was shocked, he was fast. He seemed to be toned down. He shook my hand asking who I was.

"Theo Benjamin," I replied returning his strong hand shake

He excused himself professionally as he went to the passenger side door. It was then I realized there was a man sitting driving the car.

I watch the gray Mercedes ride off, a knew form of respect forming for August. If her dad was that hard on her for getting 60% I'd hate to see what happens if she actually does something wrong.

It was that moment, all those years ago that I realized there was more to August than meets the eye.


Herro my Narwhal children. So I hope this okay for the first part. I know it's short I apologize. Let me know what you think, if you have questions or suggestions feel free to comment. I love getting comments, I like reading what you guys think so please.....

Hoping to update the next part within the week, maybe, probably, I don't know. Love you guyssssss.

Depressing As AugustTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang