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(I wanted to do that just to remind you of the story bots if you don't know the story bots then your child hood is broken... Anyways 'lettuce begin')

ParrotX2 was doing a Livestream while playing on the server him and his friends made. The server called Life steal. This server had about 26 members (I don't really remember how many are in the server and I'm not counting so deal with it) . Parrot was at his base setting up villager trades as it makes it easier for future fights or full on wars.

Parrot was talking to his viewers mostly called Chat during a stream. He was reading comments on the Livestream chat box thing (bare with me)

====> Talking to Chat:

ParrotX2: Chat should we trap someone?

Many people started spamming yes some saying no but one comment stood out parrot began to read it out loud.

ParrotX2: "Explore the Stanley hotel on the Chaos Faction channel" guys what's the Stanley hotel? Is it some sorta idk abandoned hotel? You know what these villagers can wait I'm to curious.

He turned of his game not wanting to be killed while afking on the server.

ParrotX2: Okay let's see what this hotel is about.

He started to look at his chat before beginning the search when he noticed a familiar name.

ParrotX2: CHIEF!!!! Man it's been sooo long how you doing?

Chief*in chat messages*: VC?

ParrotX2: Sure thing boss *He chuckled*

He called Chief on discord and Chief immediately answered.

Chief*on VC*: Hello? Can you hear me?

Parrot: Yeah but what's up with your voice?

Chief*on VC*: I just woke up aman gimme a break.

Parrot: Did you wake up just for my stream? I feel so special.

He said it in a dramatic way putting his hand on his heart but no one could see it he didn't have a face cam.

Chief*on VC*: I actually woke up to the fire alarm.

Parrot: What the fuck are you on Chief? How do you just casually "wake up" to the fire alarm.

Chief*on VC*: it was Myles (yeah the Myles from outcast smp I think that was the name) he tried to make pancakes.

Parrot: That's such a cartoonish way to wake up*laughs*

Chief *on VC*: Oh so your gonna laugh what if I died? huh (drama queen)

Parrot: yeah yeah if only it was that easy. Oh actually why'd you wanna VC?

Chief *on VC*: Oh about that I wanted to ask if I could perhaps tag along like a little chiefy collab?

Parrot: sure but why?

Chief *on VC*: Well Myles is going to meet his family and I don't have anything better to do.

Parrot: Fair enough. *Talking to Chat* Chat I'm gonna end the stream here hopefully you all enjoyed. See you on the second channel. Bye.

Parrot ended the stream and spend hours gathering information about The Stanley Hotel (sounds like someone I know oh yeah that's me) Chief convinced Parrot to keep the whereabouts of the trip a secret from the rest of the group.

Parrot made a dm on the group chat he and the rest of the Chaos Faction channel made that they had a flight in two days on Monday to be specific.


This is enough for now also my internet suks so sorry for the super late post for anyone reading.

Have a great life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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