43 : Best of Men

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Wonhwa's Point Of View :

"Yena, if my feelings are burdening you. We can call off the wedding" Jimin says, his eyes aren't devoid of emotions. Instead his eyes speak a million emotions at the moment

"What- why I you saying this all of a sudden?"  I ask, taken aback at his sudden confession

"You've been uneasy since I started talking about marriage, your troubled can't be hidden from me" he says

He's been nothing but understanding from the very beginning. He had always made sure I was comfortable, he's never been inconsiderate. Seeing that he still can sense everything I hide is really the last nail in the coffin of my secrets.

"You're just misunderstanding, Jimin. I was just a bit nervous, I am the bride after all. " A smile break to my face, a genuine one, how can I contain my smile when I've got the best of men?

"Are you confident that this is all, you're not hiding your feelings?" He asks, puting a hand on my shoulder as he looks deep in my eyes

"As confident as I could be" which is not much

I wrap my arms around him for a hug, a real hug. One that fills all the empty places in my heart, one that completes me

"If you say so" I hear him mutter

I'll see to it what the future holds but for now, my arm holds the most impeccable person the earth. So I'll just keep the secerets deep buried within me

"Will you forgive me if I make a mistake ?"  I ask, not spoiling much the fact that my mistake may as well be hiding my identity

"Are you planning to cheat on me?" He asks, breaking from the hug as he holds me by both my shoulders

"Whoah, where did that come from?" I ask, genuinely laughing first time in a while

"That's not much assurance" he says,

"Don't worry, you're the only one for me. I'd never cheat on you unless there is a better Park Jimin in existence " I say

"I'll make sure, I'm the only guy named Park Jimin in existence "he says but seems a little eased by the expression

"Yeah, you do that" I say, daring to ruffle his luscious jet black hair.

He didn't seem to expect that,

"Look at you having your way with Korea's biggest mob" he says, tliting your head

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"Look at you having your way with Korea's biggest mob" he says, tliting your head

"Look at you choosing your own variation of hell by choosing me as your partner" I say back, and in reality maybe I was not lying at all.

I very well am aware I may bring his downfall but I don't own the heart to tell him, for now I can only hope and pray that the Korean government stays silent and doesn't do anything

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