Chapter 1

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Cassandra could hear the box coming up with more supplies and the new Greenie. Everyone was crowded around the opening, Cass standing next to Newt. "Hey, Cassie." Newt smiled at her.

"Hey, Newt." She replied. Gally and Andrew opened the box and there sat a boy, around maybe 16, drenched in sweat and covering his eyes from the sunlight.

A few people started laughing at his state- like they didn't arrive confused as ever. Henry and Pete opened the caged doors and Gally jumped into the Box. "Day one, Greenie. Rise and shine."

He pulled Thomas out and threw him onto the ground, people laughing at him.

"Kid looks like a slopper to me." Someone spoke. A few people were kicking him lightly. Newt, like everyone else looked down at the Greenie. Said Greenie panted and looked around at the many faces staring down at him.

"I could use some help in the kitchen." Frypan chuckled. Cass laughed and Newt smiled. The Greenie got up and started running. The Gladers jeered and Zart yelled, "We got a runner!"

"Hey, are we gonna stop him or wait for him to-" the kid tripped over his own feet and rolled. "trip." Cass finished. The Gladers groaned and laughed.

"Watch it there, Greenie." Fred chuckled.

"Nice." David spoke.

Someone cheered and yelled at him, "take it all in, you're gonna be here for a long time!"

They all started whooping and clapping as he slowly got to his feet and looked around the Glade.


Harry and Ted put him in the Slammer- per Alby's orders so he could have a proper chat with him without him running away.

While Alby and the new Greenie spoke, Cass went over to Newt. He hasn't noticed her yet, so she decided to sneak up on him. She never gets to do this because somehow he always knows where she is. She crept up behind him and put her hands in his shoulders and shook them. "Shucks sake!" He turned around. "Bloody hell, Cassie."

She laughed and stepped back, "Oh my goodness, that felt good."

"You're so annoying," he rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling.

"Nah, you love me." Cass started walking backwards.

"Do I?" He asked, following her.

"Yes, you do." She nodded turning, "come meet the new Greenie with me!"

They walked towards Alby and the Greenie. "Hey, you alright, Alby?" Newt asked.

Alby chuckled and said, "Green Bean, meet Newt and Cassandra."

"Hi," Newt said shaking the Greenie's hand.

"When I'm not around, he's in charge."

"We'll it's a good thing you're always around then." He said, looking to Alby. "Listen that was some dash you made earlier. You know, for a second, I thought you had the chops to be a runner.. till you face planted."

Alby laughed and Cass said, "yeah, great entertainment. Thanks for the show, Green Bean." She put her arm on Newt's shoulder (which, admittedly was hard since he was taller than her).

"That's great." Newt said.

"Wait- runner?" The Greenie asked, looking between them all.

"Newt, Cass, do me a favour. Go fine Chuck."

Cass nodded and Newt muttered, "all right."

"Thanks." They heard Alby say.

They looked around for Chuck. "Where's that little dong?" Cass asked. Newt chuckled and nudged her. "Just keep lookin', alright?"

"Hey, Danny, where's Chuck?" Cass called to Dan, one of the builders. He shrugged and she groaned. Newt put his arm around her shoulders. "You're so impatient," he clicked his tongue. Cass' jaw dropped in fake offence.

"Am not!"

"Are too." He nodded.

"I am not!" She defended, crossing her arms.

"Oh, but you so are!" He sang, shaking her.

"Hey, Fry!" She culled her hands over her mouth and called out to him. He looked up from whatever he was doing. "Am I impatient?" She saw Newt nod out of the corner of her eye, so she nudged his side and he whined.

"No! I am not being pulled into your silly banter this time!" Fry yelled, covering his ears and shaking his head.

Cass groaned and leant into Newt. She then spotted Chuck, "Chuck!" She ran over too him. "You're taking care of the Greenie, alright?"

Chuck nodded and ran to get a hammock and other stuff the Greenie might need. "Hey, Cass!" Fry yelled, "Come help me with lunch!"


A/n: I'm sorry this was so boring, the first chapter is such a bore 😩. Also, I'm writing a fic on my alt account so once I'm finished with that one, this one will be more frequent with updates 🙂

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