Chapter 47: The Cooked Duck flew Away

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The text in the script "The cooked duck flew" took just over a minute to perform. Director Wu watched all the auditions for this part live yesterday.

No one uses Jian Yi's acting method.

When those students were performing, they would either whimper and cry without any tears, or they would sit on the ground and break down and cry, bursting into tears.

If you really understand the character of Luo Ying, you will know that he is gentle and strong. He never shows his vulnerability in front of others. Even if he cries behind his back, he is silent and silent.

Jian Yi is very good at expressing his sense of camera. He seems to know which parts of himself will be more attractive when shown. Even when he is crying, he only shows half of his face from the side. This gives a much more advanced feeling than turning his face completely.

In addition, Jian Yi is a dance major and he can control his body very well. He deliberately made a somersault mistake and deceived Director Wu.

It has been many years since Director Wu could scare him in person.

He was shocked and surprised at this moment. He had found a treasure. He originally thought that his appearance and professional skills fit the character, but now he discovered that Jian Yi was much more than that.

Director Wu commented in his heart: This is a child who can act. He can get into and out of dramas very quickly. He is naturally suitable for this industry. How about... poaching him into his own company?

But according to their dean, Jian Yi is also a prodigy in dancing, and his physical condition is extremely good. If he continues to develop like this, he will definitely be a top dance artist in the future.

He stole the young talent from the Yun Chuan Dance Department. Their dean wouldn't chase him and scold him, right?

Little did Jian Yi know that in just a few seconds, Director Wu was already thinking about robbing people in the future.

He thought about it in his mind, could it be that he didn't perform well just now? Or is the interpretation wrong?

It had been too long since he had acted, and he wasn't sure.

So he said: "Director Wu, if you feel that this part of the performance is too short and you can't see anything, you can give me another part of the plot and I will re-act it."

Director Wu came back to his senses, smiled and shook his head: "No need. , this paragraph is enough to confirm. "

Confirmed..." What does it mean? Are you sure you don't want him or are you sure it's OK? You should make it clear!

"Do you have Weibo?" Director Wu asked.

"Uh, yes." Director Wu suddenly changed the subject, making Jian Yi almost unable to react.

"After a while, when everyone is confirmed, we will make an official announcement. When the time comes, Aite, please remember to forward it. There is nothing to do today. You can go back."

Director Wu was very optimistic about Jian Yi, and his eyes changed when he looked at the young man. Be kind.

Jian Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Ah, okay, thank you, Director Wu."

When he walked out of the hotel, Jian Yi was still a little dazed.

Do I think I got the role?

[System 748: Why does the host suddenly lose confidence? The corners of the director's mouth almost rose to the sky just now. ]

[Jian Yi: Is there any? ! ! I didn't notice it at all. He didn't show any emotion at all. He is indeed an experienced director. 】

【System 748: It's okay. This system has helped you detect the emotional value. The director is very happy. ]

[ Jian Yi: When can you monitor other people's emotional values? Can't you just monitor me? ]

[System 748: Every time the host achieves an achievement, the system will be upgraded along with the host, and its functions will be gradually optimized. Host, I have become stronger, aren't you happy? 】

【Jian Yi: Hiss, is there such a thing? Then I congratulate you and am happy for you? ]

[System 748: OK! Come on, host! 】

On the other side, someone was running around anxiously.

"Director Fei, you promised me that the role of Luo Ying was mine. I just had to go through the motions."

When Xiao Chun received the news that he failed to win the role of Luo Ying, he was so angry that he was shaking.

The person on the other side hesitated and said: "Yes... I said so... I didn't expect the chief director to come in person yesterday. I... I really recommended you to him. He also watched your performance yesterday. "It's okay, but look again, who knew that he suddenly decided on the candidate privately today?"

Xiao Chun couldn't accept the result and asked, "What does it mean to decide on the candidate privately? Who was the person who came to audition yesterday?" I have learned about them all, and none of them are amazing. Since Director Wu doesn't even like me, how could he like others?"

"I don't know the specific reason. Director Wu invested in this drama himself, and he did. He actually has the final decision-making power. We all thought he would choose among those who auditioned yesterday, so you still have a good chance. Who knows, he asked a boy to audition alone, and he passed..."

"What did you say? ?" Xiao Chun's voice suddenly became louder and his emotions became more intense, "Alone audition? Is this in compliance with the rules?"

"Uh... There has been a precedent for this, so it can't be considered against the rules. I won't do it again. I'll give you another supporting role. I promise you won't be cast out this time. I still have the right to speak for that kind of cannon fodder role - eh? Why did you stop?"

Xiao Chun was furious and couldn't listen anymore. With those words on the phone, after hanging up the phone, he smashed the phone to the ground, and the screen broke into countless cracks on the spot.

He didn't understand why the cooked duck could still fly. His luck was always so bad, and he was always a little bit worse at everything he did.

Xiao Chun himself was helpless and could only feel angry.

He ran to the bathroom and washed his face with cold water. After ten minutes, he calmed down a little and changed his cell phone to call the other party.

"Director Fei, I would like to ask, what is the name of the person who passed the audition?"

Bliss Bar.

Young people wearing fashionable clothing sit at the bar and drink one cup after another.

Yu Wei just returned to Yunjing from Z City today. After he went to avoid Jin Bo for a while, his predecessors temporarily stopped.

He had thought about it a long time ago. Ever since he saw Jian Yi dancing, his mind had never stopped thinking about this person.

On the day when Yun Chuan held a cultural and arts festival, he accidentally visited Jin Bo's sister's live broadcast room.

He watched the whole process of Jian Yi's dance without blinking. At that moment, he had very dirty thoughts in his heart, which he had never had before.

When I was in love with Jian Yi before, I simply regarded this person as a pet and had no desire in that regard.

This has a lot to do with the change in Jian Yi's temperament.

Jian Yi used to be cowardly and crybaby. He always looked at him eagerly, bought him things, and clung to him like a follower. In addition, the other person's dyed green hair also covered his eyes. Yu Wei never took him seriously. Saw this guy.

Like his predecessors, they were also seamlessly connected, and some even broke up after not even dating for three days.

Yu Wei will not leave a deep impression on these people.

The reason why Jian Yi stayed longer than others was simply because he was obedient and never disobeyed what he said. This greatly inflated Yu Wei's self-esteem and masculinity.

Yu Wei has been reviewing these days, recalling the various advantages of Jian Yi in the past.

The more I think about it, the more I feel at a loss.

Such a wonderful and lovely person, but he has never even been kissed. He must be the biggest idiot in the world, right?

He found someone to restore the previously deleted photos. There were only two photos of Jian Yi, when he was dyed green.

He didn't know if it was his current love that made him have a thicker filter for Jian Yi. He even felt that Jian Yi's alternative dress in the past was unparalleled.

He took out Jian Yi's current video and watched it over and over again. The people in the video were dancing lightly, spinning in circles, their eyes were moving, their faces were rosy, and their every move made his heart beat faster.

Later, when he learned that Jian Yi had opened Weibo, Yu Wei immediately followed it. This boy looked good when he was studying. He looked good everywhere. Why did he just throw it away?

He used to look down on others, but now that he is popular and has countless suitors, it will be many times more difficult for him to pursue his. In addition, Jian Yi said that he didn't want to see his because he would get sick and sad if he saw his.

After falling in love with Jian Yi, Yu Wei began to become cautious. He actually didn't want to make Jian Yi sad.

When Yu Wei gets sick from longing, he likes to drink. Drinking can numb his nerves, and he can still see his sweetheart in his dreams after a nap, which is great.

But his drinking capacity is not very good. If he drinks too much, he will easily lose his ability to keep his mouth shut.

After a while, he started bragging with a group of gangsters in the bar.

"Boss, have a glass of Hell Tequila and make it a little stronger for me." A boy with a demonic appearance sat next to Yu Wei. Yu Wei didn't notice, and this person didn't care about Yu Wei who was drunk and crazy, because his mood Very poor.

The boss glanced at the new face and couldn't help but said: "Is this your first time here? Judging from your appearance, you are still in school?"

The boy was too lazy to answer and nodded slightly.

After the wine was mixed, it was handed over, and the boy drank it down. The spicy wine irritated his throat, and his heart and lungs instantly became hot.

"Young man, don't drink too much, otherwise you'll end up like him." The boss was kind and gestured to the newcomer, who was drunk next to Yu Wei.

Xiao Chun chuckled and didn't care too much.

When he learned the name of the person who passed the audition, it felt like a bolt from the blue.

Director Fei said that the person selected by Director Wu was named Jian Yi, who was also from the dance department of our school.

The answer didn't seem that surprising, but it sounded ridiculous to him.

Thinking about the reasons, it seems reasonable that Jian Yi, as the most popular crape myrtle star in the academy, is favored by teachers, deans and directors.

Xiao Chun could not deny how powerful this man was, but why did he always want to grab things from him?

Jian Yi is now famous, and he has received fame, praise, and everything unimaginable. Isn't this enough?

Why can't he even be given a supporting role in a drama?

Jian Yi didn't attend the audition at all yesterday. If Director Wu decides on the candidate, it can only be that Jian Yi goes to see Director Wu alone today.

This feeling of having something you were so close to getting but being cut off halfway is really unpleasant!

This incident made Xiao Chun hate Jian Yi even more.

He drank another glass of wine, and his stomach felt as hot as piercing his intestines. He just wanted a glass of ice water when the drunk young man next to him said proudly: "Have you seen this dancing guy? This guy is my boyfriend." , Hehe!"

Xiao Chun was annoyed and just wanted to leave, but after a glance from the corner of his eye, he was stunned on the spot.

The figure he was still cursing in his heart just now appeared in the video.

It was still the performance stage of the art performance. Jian Yi was dressed in an exotic red dress and danced enchantingly and spiritually.

"Do you know who he is? Just say he is your boyfriend. Are you lying?" Xiao Chun asked deliberately and tentatively.

"Of course I know who my person is. He is Jian Yi, my favorite baby...wuwuwu..." Yu Weiyue said, his tone became lower and lower, and he cried at the end, "Although we broke up, , but he is still my treasure."

Xiao Chun laughed: "Ex-boyfriend?"

It's so interesting, you can get melons when you go out to get drunk. Xiao Chun was sober for a while, thinking about the next question.

Mr. Yi: Pull him out and kill him. (Angry jpg.)

Jian Puppy: I am just my brother's little baby. (chirpjpg.)

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