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**Content Warning: Please Read Before Proceeding**

Dear Readers,

Before you delve into this story, I want to extend a sincere note of caution. While I believe in the power of storytelling to entertain, inspire, and provoke thought, I also recognize the responsibility that comes with sharing potentially sensitive content. This warning is meant to provide you with insight into the themes and topics explored within these pages, allowing you to make an informed decision about whether to continue reading.

**Violence and Graphic Content**

This narrative contains depictions of violence, both physical and psychological, that may be unsettling or triggering for some readers. Scenes involving combat, warfare, and interpersonal conflict are described in detail, aiming to convey the raw intensity and consequences of such actions. Additionally, instances of graphic imagery, including bloodshed and injuries, are depicted to immerse you in the story's world. While these elements serve to enhance the narrative's depth and authenticity, please be aware of their presence and considerate of your own comfort levels.

**Strong Language and Explicit Dialogue**

In the pursuit of authenticity and character expression, this story includes the use of strong language and explicit dialogue. Characters may engage in conversations or monologues that contain profanity, coarse language, or sexually suggestive content. These linguistic choices are intended to reflect the diverse personalities, backgrounds, and emotions of the characters, enriching their development and interactions. However, I understand that such language may not be suitable for all audiences, and I encourage you to approach this story with awareness and discernment.

**Sensitive Topics and Themes**

Throughout this narrative, sensitive topics and themes are explored with depth and nuance. Issues such as mental illness, trauma, addiction, abuse, and discrimination are addressed in various capacities, shedding light on the complexities of human experiences and relationships. While these discussions are handled with care and respect, they may evoke strong emotions or memories for some readers. It is important to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being while engaging with these themes, seeking support or guidance if needed.

**Sexual Content and Intimate Scenes**

As part of the characters' personal journeys and relationships, this story contains scenes of a sexual nature. These intimate moments are portrayed with sensitivity and respect, emphasizing the emotional connections and vulnerabilities shared between individuals. While sexual content is integrated into the narrative to explore themes of love, desire, and intimacy, it is not the sole focus of the story. Reader discretion is advised, and I encourage you to approach these scenes with maturity and understanding.

**Trigger Warnings and Resources**

If you encounter content within this story that triggers distressing emotions or memories, please prioritize your well-being above all else. Consider taking breaks from reading, reaching out to trusted friends or family members for support, or seeking professional assistance from mental health professionals or support hotlines. Your safety and comfort are paramount, and it is okay to step away from this story if it becomes too overwhelming.

**Conclusion: Your Feedback Matters**

As an author, I am committed to fostering a safe and inclusive reading environment for all individuals. Your feedback, thoughts, and concerns are invaluable to me, and I welcome open dialogue about the content of this story. If you have any questions, suggestions, or requests regarding trigger warnings, content advisories, or portrayal of sensitive topics, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly. Together, we can create a community that respects and supports one another's diverse perspectives and experiences.

Thank you for taking the time to read this warning message. Your decision to engage with this story is deeply appreciated, and I hope that it resonates with you in meaningful ways. Enjoy your reading journey, and may it be filled with moments of reflection, empathy, and discovery.

Warm regards,


A Daring Escape(Velazco Series 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon