chapter 4

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Title: Echoes of Tomorrow

[Scene: A picturesque university campus in Seoul. Jae and Priya stroll hand in hand, the autumn leaves crunching beneath their feet. They are dressed in graduation gowns, beaming with pride.]


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PRIYA: (reflectively) Can you believe we're finally graduating, Jae? It feels like just yesterday we were freshmen, unsure of what the future held

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PRIYA: (reflectively) Can you believe we're finally graduating, Jae? It feels like just yesterday we were freshmen, unsure of what the future held.

JAE: (smiling) Time flies when you're having fun, Priya. And I wouldn't have wanted to spend these past years with anyone else but you.

PRIYA: (teasingly) Flatterer. But seriously, I'm grateful for every moment we've shared- the late-night and study sessions, the impromptu jam sessions, the laughter, and even the tears.

JAE: (emotionally) Me too, Priya. You've been my rock, my inspiration, my everything.

[They pause to take in the beauty of the campus one last time before continuing their walk.]


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