1. The Arrival

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Tamira walked through the archway, followed by her partner Albie. It read "The Wielders" in ornate, black, cast-iron letters. Her eyes traced the two powerful words, their curves and flicks, their imperfections. She pushed open a gate, wincing as it screeched. Albie's expression was filled with joy and curiosity.

"Woah, this is well cool!" he remarked, in his classic slang style.

"Albert!" Tamira whispered, "Keep your voice down. Oh, and mind that language! Be presentable." She scolded, wanting to make a good first impression on the other elemental wielders.

Now behind them across an elaborately decorated, yet dusty hallway, the gate creaked. Both magic wielders turned to see a girl with fiery-red curls, shining hazel eyes, and an infectious grin.

"Howdy!" she said brightly, tipping an imaginary cowboy hat. "How are y'all? Kellie at your service, ready in your time o'need!" Her sing-song voice, edged with a jolly Texas accent, brought a smile to Tamira's face.

"I'm Tamira, and this is Albert," earning a stony glance from her partner, Tamira quickly added, "He prefers to be called Albie, though."

Hearing the echoes of her voice patter throughout the hall, she looked at the floor, suddenly nervous with the presence of the eager new girl. The gate shrieked once more. The girl who appeared had shoulder-length blonde hair, which was dyed red at the roots, and anxious eyes.

"Y'all, this is my partner, Tana." Kellie said, putting an arm around the girl's shoulders. "We've been besties since day one."

Tana's expression softened, looking up affectionately at her partner. It hardened again as she registered the presence of Tamira and Albie. "Hi, y'all," she whispered almost inaudibly. "I'm Tana, fire wielder." She extended a hand, then quickly withdrew it, misjudging the formality of the situation. "I like to call myself tiny but mighty." she straightened her back and raised her chin, almost challenging the pair.

Before Albie could reply, there came the sound of perfectly measured, clicking footsteps. He opened his mouth, then closed it again, as a person walked through the gate.

All eyes swivelled onto the visitor. He had a sharp jawline, combed black hair, and small, observant grey eyes. A black-and-white tarantula was perched on his shoulder. "Amaro," he said, nodding his head once. "Death wielder, and owner of Onyx." he gestured to the tarantula, who appeared to enjoy the attention.

Tamira clicked her fingers, producing an orb of light. It glided to the other side of the room, illuminating the stranger - he seemed prepared, dressed in a pristine black suit, with a black tie and black brogues to match. With an expression of mild annoyance, Amaro rubbed his thumb and index finger together. The light extinguished swiftly.

A small gasp escaped Tamira's lips. "Tha-that was..."

"Immortal light," finished Amaro. "Supposedly inextinguishable, blah blah blah... the most basic thing to learn as a death wielder." He seemed to take joy in Tamira and Albie's bewilderment.

"Y-you can extinguish immortal l-light?" Albie stuttered.

"Yes," Amaro replied, appearing bored. Onyx scuttled up his neck to settle in his hair. "As I previously said, it's the most basic training you can do as a death wielder. Of course, you wouldn't know that." His voice lilted expressively, adding a feel of perfection to his words, matching his general demeanour.

Tamira composed herself. "And your partner?" she said.

As if planned, his partner danced through the gate. She was dressed in a black dress, which reached to her knees, and black ballet shoes. As she positioned herself next to Amaro, they looked like a rather gothic bride and groom.

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