Chapter 14

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As I blew out the final puff of smoke from my cigarette, my mind was still reeling from the encounter with the girl who looked like a strawberry. Her image lingered in my thoughts, her presence captivating and leaving me with a sense of intrigue and curiosity.

I had first noticed her as she walked past me, her mid-length hair adorned with a mid-sized white glittery bow that shimmered in the dim light of the bar. Her hair was silky and seemed to cascade like a waterfall, framing her face in a way that took my breath away.

The alcohol had certainly heightened my senses, but there was something undeniably enchanting about her. Her cheeks were tinted with a soft hue, possibly from the effects of the alcohol or perhaps from a natural blush that added to her allure.

As I leaned against the wall, watching her move gracefully through the crowd, I couldn't help but wonder about her. Who was she? What was her story? And why did she leave such a lasting impression on me with just a fleeting glance?

My thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of a woman dressed in a masculine style, who seemed to be her friend. They exchanged words, and I couldn't help but notice the contrast between the two—a strawberry-like beauty and a confident, tomboyish figure.

As I drove home after two days of continuous work, exhaustion weighed heavily on my shoulders. Thoughts of the strawberry girl lingered in my mind, distracting me from the pressing business deal awaiting my attention. The road seemed longer than usual, each passing mile stretching my patience thin.

Finally arriving at my family home, I trudged through the familiar corridors. The scent of home-cooked meals and the warmth of family enveloped me, momentarily easing the fatigue that had settled in my bones.

However, my respite was short-lived as I entered the living room. There, sprawled on the couch like a careless adult, was my elder brother Jeongsuk. He was engrossed in a boring web series, munching on snacks with an air of nonchalance that never failed to irritate me.

"Hey, little brother!" Jeongsuk exclaimed with a mischievous glint in his eyes as he noticed me. "Guess what? I'm going to be a groom soon!" His words were laced with a teasing tone, accompanied by his trademark annoying laugh.

I forced a smile, masking the annoyance bubbling beneath the surface. "That's great news, Jeongsuk," I replied, trying to sound enthusiastic despite my exhaustion.

He chuckled, clearly enjoying my discomfort. "Oh, you should see the look on your face," he teased, taking another bite of his snacks.

Ignoring his antics, I made my way upstairs to my room. The weight of responsibilities and the upcoming business deal pressed down on me, overshadowing Jeongsuk's announcement. The strawberry girl's image danced in my mind, her presence a welcome distraction from the mundane conversations and trivialities of daily life.

As I walked onto the balcony, the evening breeze carried with it a sense of tranquillity mingled with the weight of responsibilities. There, standing near the railing, was my father. He glanced at me with an understanding gaze, recognizing the weariness in my eyes from the long days of work and stress.

"Come here, son," he called out in a gentle voice, patting my shoulder as I approached. His touch was comforting, a silent reassurance that I wasn't alone in this journey.

I managed a faint smile, grateful for his presence and support. "Thanks, Dad," I murmured, the tension in my shoulders easing slightly.

He suggested that I take some time to rest and recharge, promising to have dinner brought to my room. It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot knowing that he cared about my well-being amidst the chaos of business and life.

Hurriedly, I undid my tuxedo and slipped out of it, along with my watch. The shower beckoned, offering a reprieve from the day's exhaustion. As the cold water cascaded over me, I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

The droplets of water seemed to wash away the fatigue and stress, each one carrying a bit of the weight I had been carrying. I groaned softly, feeling the tension melt away with each passing moment.

As I walked out of the bathroom, my hair still damp from the shower, I felt a sense of relief washing over me. I quickly changed into comfortable joggers and a t-shirt, vigorously rubbing my hair with a towel to dry it. The events of the day had left me exhausted, but the familiarity of home brought a sense of calmness.

As I entered my room, I noticed my mom sitting on the couch, a warm smile on her face. She had prepared dinner and was waiting for me patiently. The aroma of home-cooked food filled the air, enticing my senses and reminding me of simpler times.

"Hey, Mom," I greeted her with a smile, feeling grateful for her presence.

"Hey, Jungkook," she replied, patting the space beside her on the couch. "Come, sit down. Dinner's ready."

I sat down next to her, the anticipation of a home-cooked meal making my stomach rumble with hunger. Mom served me a plate of delicious food, a mixture of my favourite dishes that she knew would lift my spirits.

As I took the first bite, a wave of comfort washed over me. The flavours reminded me of childhood memories, of family dinners and moments of joy shared around the table. It was a simple yet profound gesture, a reminder of the love and care that surrounded me.

"Thanks, Mom," I said between bites, savouring each mouthful.

She smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting a mother's love and concern. "You're welcome, dear. Eat up and relax. You deserve it."

As I savoured the delicious home-cooked meal my mom had prepared, her unexpected request for my premium card caught me off guard. I paused mid-bite, a slight gulp audible as I looked at her with surprise.

"You need my premium card?" I asked, a hint of hesitation in my voice.

Mom hesitated too, her eyes reflecting a mix of guilt and hope. "Yes, just for some shopping. I want to get something nice for Jeongsuk and his to-be-wife," she explained, her words tinged with a touch of excitement.

I nodded slowly, understanding her intentions. Family always came first, and I knew how important it was for her to make special arrangements for my brother's upcoming wedding. I reached for my wallet on the side table and retrieved my premium card, handing it to her.

She took it with a grateful smile, her eyes lighting up. "Thank you,Jungkook. I'll make sure to use it wisely," she promised.

I managed a faint smile in return, the thought of Jeongsuk's happiness outweighing any concerns about financial matters. After all, family celebrations were meant to be cherished, and I wanted everything to be perfect for his big day.

Mom noticed my hesitation and playfully nudged me. "Don't worry, I'll treat you to something nice too," she added, trying to lighten the mood.

I chuckled softly, feeling grateful for her understanding and generosity. "Sure, Mom. But let me finish this first," I replied, gesturing to my half-eaten plate.

She nodded, but not before gently insisting, "Eat more, dear. You need your strength."

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