Amusement park (last chap)

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Btw guys I haven't updated this story in a while so I recommend you reread the last chapter

A few months later:


"Brentttt I'm bored can you come over I just wanna ki-"

"Shh I'm in the car with my sister I'm dropping her off at school" Brent said as Lexi started snickering

"Brent finally has a girl who wants so kill him I'm so happy" Lexi said

"Lexi you know that's not what she said so stop" Brent said rolling his eys

"I just want to kiss you all over your face" Pierson said finishing her sentence

"Omg it's gonna be Brent's first kiss" Lexi said and Pierson started giggling

"Its not funny so I don't know why you're both laughing and my first kiss was with Pierson when I was 4 years old" Brent said annoyed

"It's a girl thing Brent" Pierson said

"Yeah!" Lexi said

"Alright have a bad day at school" Brent said as Lexi got out the car

"Have fun getting your first kiss" Lexi said laughing

She got out the car and Brent drove off.

"I'm coming to pick you up right now Pier" Brent said

Guys how about they didn't go to college because Pierson's mom was worried about her and Brent was getting popular and making a lot of money.

"Soooooooo I have some great news" Pierson said

"Yeah what is it? I'm gonna get my first kiss or something?" Brent asked

"Well no" Pierson said

"Then what is it?" Brent asked

"I'm in love with someone" Pierson started

"Who that guy Andrew?" Brent said getting jealous

"Noooooo" Pierson said giggling

"Then who?" Brent asked

"Well they're nice, sweet, I met them at school, oh and omg they're so hot" Pierson said giggling

"Well it's either one of those stupid boys at school or me" Brent clearly jealous

"I'll give you my answer when I get in the car" Pierson said as Brent pulled up to her house

She hung up and got in the car.

"I missed you" Pierson said giving him a hug

"I missed you too but we saw each other last night" Brent said as she put on her seat belt

"Brent I'm in love with you..." Pierson said smiling

Brent started smiling he pulled into an empty parking lot and got out the car. He ran to Pierson's side and she got out. He started jumping around and Pierson was just standing there smiling. He came over to her and kissed her all over her face.

"Woah woah Brent" Pierson said as he gave her a hug

He didn't repsond but he ran to his trunk and opened it. He got out flowers and gave them to Pierson.

"Pierson will you be my girlfriend?" Brent asked

"I'll have to think about it" Pierson said

"are you actually serious?" Brent asked with a frown

"Yes I actually am" Pierson said as they both got in the car

"But I thought you were in love with me!" Brent asked

"I am but that doesn't mean I'm ready to date" Pierson said

"Ok fine but where do you want to go?" Brent asked

"Can we go to an amusement park" Pierson asked with puppy eyes

"Ok so the best one is about 3 hours away" Brent said starting his car

He started driving and it was a little silent in the car.

"Brent are you mad at me?" Pierson asked

"No why would I?" Brent asked

"Well you're not talking to me and you have this mad look on your face and when you answered me you sounded annoyed" Pierson said folding her arms

"I'm sorry Pier I was just a bit upset about your answer" Brent said putting his hand on her shoulder

"It's fine Brent and I'm still thinking of my answer" Pierson said

"I know I know" Brent said

They stopped talking. Pierson looked out the window.

"Pierson do you need to go to the bathroom or something because there's a rest station coming up in a mile"


He looked over her shoulder and saw Pierson sleeping. He shook her and she woke up.

"huh? Pierson asked as she woke up

"Theres a rest stop do you need to go to the bathroom or are you hungry?" Brent asked

"Uhm I'm kinda hungry" Pierson said

"Oh ok" Brent said

They got off the expressway and went to the gas station.

"Hey Brent can I get this?" Pierson asked

"Yea sure get anything you want it's on me" Brent said

"Really? You're the best friend ever!" Pierson said hugging him

They got their stuff and went back in the car. They eventually got to the amusement park and got on a lot of rides. Then Brent wanted to get on a really scary death drop looking ride. Pierson was really scared but didn't tell Brent until they were all strapped in and about to start the ride.

Brent I don't wanna do this" Pierson said as she started crying

Brent held her hand.

"Pier you should of told me that a while ago but now its way to late" Brent aid

"I know but still" Pierson said holding on for dear life

The ride started. It went really fast then it started going up.

"Brent yes i'll be your girlfriend but never make me get on something like this ever again!" Pierson yelled when she saw that the drop was going straight down

"I love you Pier" Brent yelled

"I love you too" Pierson yelled

The ride went down and Pierson started screaming so loud and Brent had his hands up.

"BRENT!!!" Pierson yelled crying

She passed out. When the ride stopped she came back to consciousness.

They got off the ride and went back to Brent's house.

"I love my girlfriend" Brent said

"And I love my boyfriend" Pierson said

"I swear love is different at school" they said at the same time

They both smiled and leaned in.

Guys thank you for reading this chapter hope you liked it!! Shout out to Brierson_Stories and dorkybrierson1313

Words: 1014

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