P5RNG+: Meeting Yusuke

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Happy May the 4th, I'll be showing off A teaser for my other Persona fic, "Persona 5 Royal: New Game +"

The next day: 5/14. Akira, Ryuji, and Sumi are waiting for the bus

Ryuji: *yawn* I'm so sleepy... I ended up Pullin' an all nighter once I realized today's the last days of exams.

Morgana: You? Staying up studying?

Ryuji: Nah, I gave up on the exam. I was playin' some games, and then before I knew it, it was morning.

Akira: How manly

Kasumi: I wouldn't call it manly...

Ryuji: why it's what I always do. No matter how many times I fail, nothing's gonna change

Ann: *Walks up to them yawning* Morning...

Ryuji: Yo, look who else is yawnin

Ann: Exams are almost over, so I thought I'd make one last effort across the finish line.

Akira: Smart

Morgana: Impressive, Lady Ann. You're quite different from this stupid monkey I know.

Kasumi: I wouldn't call Ryuji-senpai a "stupid monkey".

Ryuji: Huh? Don't gimme that crap. Your brain's tiny compared to mine.

Morgana: Size is meaningless if there's noting inside, you know.

Ryuji: what was that?!

Akira: Grown man argues with a cat

Ann: Ugh, will you please shut up!? You're gonna make me forget everything I memo- ...?! *Looks behind her* Am I imagining things?

Akira: what's wrong Ann?

Ryuji: What, you see a groper or something?

Ann: No, that's not it. It's... nothing.

Morgana: ...

they all go onto the train and once they get off, Ann notices a man

Ann: Oh my god, that guy got off!

Kasumi: Huh?

Ann: Isn't this bad?

Ryuji: *stretches while yawning*

Ann: Hey! At least act like you care!

Ryuji: Fine... come on

they all go up and prepare to ambush the man. Waiting. The man approaches Ann and extends his arm, but Ryuji, Akira, and Sumi quickly get in front of him. That him was Yusuke Kitagawa.

Yusuke: ......?

Ryuji: ...

Kasumi: ...

Akira: (Hi Yusuke)

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