Title Defence- Chapter 3

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Ever since I've been hanging out with Seth my life has changed. Not only hanging out but dating. Nobody knows but us. I'm going one on one vs Aj today. TLC man what if it was a table match. #epic. Seth is facing John. It's been a month since me and Seth started dating. I met him in the locker room. "Hey baby." He said hugging me. "What's up?" "You think I'll retain?" I asked. "Yes I do, your an amazing performer show Vince you can beat AJ'S record." I still got more then 200 days. "You can do it." He kissed my forehead. "Guess what's tomorrow? Our one month anniversary." "I'll see you later good luck tonight."

I was hanging out with Roman Reigns.
Dude I'm going to superman punch Seth so john can win tonight. "What why?" "Cause that's my storyline." "Does he know?" "Yeah." Alright catch you later Brie."

Seth Rollins
I didn't wanna get Nikki upset so I didn't tell her about our loss. We were going to the Singapore to do autographs. I met her in the gorilla before her match. "You got the hair spray." I said. "Yep." she hid it behind her sock. "Good luck." I kissed her as I heard her theme song play.
She walked back to me and I hugged her. "Great job baby." I lifted her and kissed her. "My match is next, I'll meet you in my locker room after." I told myself. I've been losing every match to john but no I'm going to win today.

Halfway in the match cena was lifting me up and went for the aa I did a back flip and an super kick. Roman Came and went for the superman punch I ducked and hit a powerbomb to him through the table. Cena went for a clothesline and I speared him through the table. I raised my hand I went to triple h's office. "Good job with the win." "I thought I was supposed to lose." "You were but you didn't we already have a storyline if you won. You're going up against roman reigns and Dean Ambrose. Kane will be your partner.

I was walking down the hallway and met up with Nicole. "What's up babe." I said. "I'm going to film total divas." "Aw, I wanted to hang out with you." "I will, I'll see you at catering after filming." She said." I gave her a hug and kissed her. "Bye." She walked away. I decided to go change into my merchandise.

(Monday Night Raw)
I was kicking raw off today. Nicole was backstage sitting by catering."hey baby." She said hugging me. "Hey." "You got a divas match tonight babe?" "Yeah, I got a match against Naomi. Do you have a match?" "Yeah, I'm fighting ryback." "Good luck babe." She said I picked her up and carried her like a baby. "Put me down Rollins!" She screamed. I laughed and put her down on my lap. It was 7:18 and raw wasn't on yet so I sat talking to her. "Can you but my hair in a bun baby." I said she laughed and said. "Only if you put my hair in one after?" "Sure babes." She put my hair up. I turned her around and put her in a bun. "Thanks." I put my arm around her and kissed her head. "I got to go get my ring attire on so I can kick off raw." "Bye." I kissed her soft lips and walked away.

Seth Rollins- love with an architectWhere stories live. Discover now