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I hate this place! I don't want to be alive! I hate myself! My life is terrible! I think it's time for me to close my eyes for good.

I am taking triple the dosage of these pills, I can't live in pain anymore. Why me? Why can't I be happy? Why do I feel like someone locked me in a dark room and threw away the keys? I look up, and all I see is darkness. I am scared of the dark.

You all said that you loved and cared about me,so why the hell am I alone? God is always with me, but why do I feel alone? Why does it feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders?

This rock is too heavy for me to carry. I can do it all on my own. I need something that can take the pain away, but nothing seems effective these days.

I see the light now. Someone, please save me! I'm drowning, and I can't breathe. Please, Lord, I want to live. I'm sorry for the things I've done. God says, "Why burden yourself with your problems? The battle is not yours to fight. God will fight your battles, and the victory is yours. You have to have faith in me."

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