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As a small male was walking out of the bathroom he went to a taller male who seemed to be struggling with his tie

Jihoon: Looks like you're having trouble Mr.kwon
??: Well I would love some of your help Mrs.kwon
Jihoon: Why do you seem to always call me Mrs.( Looks up to his husband with a sweet smile)
??: Cause we're married and I love calling my baby whatever I want plus your mine remember( he said the last part in a deep voice)
Jihoon:(  he slapped soonyoungs chest softly) Shameless
Soonyoung: But you love this shameless man
Jihoon: whatever you say sweetie( he said softly while smiling at him) are you ready
Soonyoung: Yes shall we take our leave
Jihoon: Yes we shall oh and before I forget tomorrow me and the others are going to a party so we have to pick up a gift as part of appreciation to show our respect for Mrs.Hye
Soonyoung: ok love lets get going( he held out his hand for jihoon to hold)
Jihoon:( he held soonyoungs hand as they headed out the door to their car soonyoung walked jihoon to his side and buckled his seatbelt he ran to his side and got in as they pulled out the driveway jihoon started caressing soonyoungs hair; cause we all know he's a very clingy person 😉)
Soonyoung: Baby you should get something for yourself too while we're shopping( taking his free hand and held jihoons)
Jihoon:( looks at soonyoung) Soons you just took me shopping three days ago I- ( soonyoung cuts him off as he stopped the car)
Soonyoung: Pick a number
Jihoon:( looks at him confusedly) what why
Soonyoung: Pick a number
Jihoon: umm...six( soonyoung started putting six bands on jihoons lap)
Soonyoung: This is for yourself and no one else( he said in a serious tone as jihoon looked at him in disbelief)
Jihoon: And what am I going to use to buy Mrs.Hye's gift
Soonyoung: I've already called one of my men to take care of it so don't worry bun( took jihoons hand and kissed it several times then on his lips)
Jihoon: Oh soons you work so hard and I feel like I don't do partial of what you do( looks down soonyoung lifted his chin and smiled at him) look at me ji grabbing his hand as jihoon look up at him he sighed) I told you before we're in this together and that you'll never have to feel less than me ever also this is how I am I show you love by taking care of you and gifting you with presents making your favorite foods anything to make you happy cause your mine now I don't ever want to see you sad now let's go
Jihoon: Go where( he looked to where soonyoung was pointing outside and gasped as he looked at soonyoung) oh my gosh we're here let's go) he grabbed soonyoungs hand who was fondly looking at him)
Soonyoung: I forgot my wallet how about you walk ahead and I'll catch up and remember don't let touch( he said seriously jihoon rolled and responded with an ok as jihoon disappeared soonyoung watched and smiled at him) you should know your perfect( and he ran towards the shop)

      Ok guys here's another chapter and I hope you guys love it also I'm trying to do a little scheme with this story so comment if you think you know what it is 🤔

                 Here are their outfits


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