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 Lucian and I hurried through the servants quarters, laughing at the confusion we caused.

We reached the door that led to the North Wing and made our way down the hall, giddy with the rush of breaking rules. It was amazing how as soon as the pressure of court was gone how easily we fell back into our old, comfortable rhythm.

"This was really nice, Selene- I mean Princess." Lucian blushed.

"It was." I didn't move towards my rooms.

"Would you like to go to the theater with me tomorrow?" Lucian asked, shyly.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, grinning. "I mean," I cleared my throat, "I would be happy to accompany you to the theater."

Lucian laughed and I smiled. "Well, until later." Lucian bowed and I curtsied before stepping into my rooms and closing the door behind me.

Suddenly overcome with joy, I slid to the floor, my back pressed against the door. I felt as if I were in a dream or a fairytale. I had survived my Presentation, my fiance was still the boy I had known, and my parents would be proud of me.

"Princess?" Aurora called, her voice hoarse, as if she had been yelling. "Is that you?"

I shook myself from my joyful trance and stood. "Yes, it's me."

Aurora walked into my sitting room from my bedroom, less composed than I had ever seen her. "Did you speak to a strange woman?"
I did not understand. "What are you talking about, Aurora?"

She shook her head. "Nothing, Princess."


"So, how did it go with the Prince?" Aurora asked, forcing a smile.

"Oh, it was wonderful! Lucian is so charming, just the same as he was when we were children. And he asked me to the theater!" I exclaimed, eager to discuss the afternoon's events.

"That's wonderful, Princess." Her voice broke and a tear slipped from her eye.

"Aurora," I stepped closer to her, "are you okay? Truly?"

"Yes, I had an odd encounter earlier. It took something out of me. Come, we must find you a gown for your date tomorrow."

I blushed, but followed her to my bedroom.

"What about this?" Aurora turned to me with a pale pink gown. It was long and hugged my curves and the bodice was lined with gold lace. The neckline was low without being risque and sheer sleeves gave it the appearance of being strapless without being inappropriate. Not for the first time I wondered who designed my clothing. It seemed as if every week my closet was magically restocked with new garments. Sometimes I went shopping but it was never because of a lack of suitable clothing.

"Perfect!" I clapped my hands together, excited with the prospect of tomorrow's excursion. A night at the theater with my fiance, I felt as if I had gone from child to adult overnight.

Aurora smiled at my eagerness. She pressed a hand to my cheek before quickly removing it. "I'm glad that he is everything you wished for."

"As am I!" I squealed in delight.

Later that day, I went to see Madame Crepin. It was the first time I had been to see

her since the announcement of Lucian's impending arrival. I had been busy with preparations for his arrival and now that he and I had gotten a chance to reconnect, I finally had time to continue my study of composition.

I made my way to Madame Crepin's apartment. I was prepared to find Jax roaming the halls in the East Wing, just as I had on my previous visit, a thought that was both exciting and terrible.

I reached Madame's apartments without running into any unwanted guests and knocked on the door. A disheveled servant opened the door, her uniform rumpled and her bonnet wrapped around her neck. She was flushed and sweaty and I suddenly felt as if I were intruding on something.

"Your Highness!" the woman exclaimed, dropping into a hasty curtsy.

"Nora, who's there?" Madame Crepin called from inside her quarters.

"It's the Princess, Miss." Nora replied, suddenly pale.

I heard stumbling and a crash and then Madame Crepin appeared, dressed in a dress that no noble woman I knew would own, let alone wear.

"Princess, I did not know you were coming today!" Madame Crepin said, and I noticed that her hair was knotted.

"I can come back a different time," I said, turning to leave.

"No, no, it's fine! Please, come in," she said, waving me inside. "Nora, please fetch us some tea."

"Right away, Miss." Nora scurried off and Madame Crepin led me to her sitting room.

"So, is this an academic visit or a social one?" Madame asked, sitting down on the couch across from me. She ran a hand through her hair, pulling out the knots.

"Well, I intended for it to be academic, but now I'm intrigued," I responded, leaning forward.

Madame Crepin laughed. "Whatever do you mean by that?"

As if on cue, Nora walked into the room with a tea cart. Madame Crepin straightened and I cocked an eyebrow.

"Thank you, Nora," she said, her face suspiciously blank. Nora nodded and hurried out of the room.

"So this is why you never married," I said, grinning at Madame Crepin.

"Is it so improbable that I just never felt the need to marry?"

"No, but now I wonder..."

"Oh, stop it! What about you and your prince?"

"He's not my prince, he's just a prince." I knew my face had turned red.

"I heard you had your Presentation today. How was that?" Madame asked, frowning a bit. "I happen to abhor the tradition but I know you girls are quite fond of it."

"Just because you flaunt all that is contrary to proper society does not mean society is at fault, Madame," I replied, defensively. Presentation was all I knew, and I did not like the thought that it may be wrong.

"I didn't say that it was."

I sighed. "I'm sorry I haven't been at lessons lately, Mother's kept me quite busy with preparations for Lucian's arrival."

"Don't apologize, I completely understand. Besides, I got to work more closely with Taryn. I think you would like her, she's very clever," Madame said through sips of tea.

"Taryn Ellwood?" I was shocked that she had opened her mouth enough times to be deemed clever. "She is always so quiet. Besides, I have Cornelia and Cassia, what need do I need for a reclusive fairy friend?"
"That is a very ignorant thing to say, Princess. I'm disappointed, I thought you were different. But it seems you are less like me than I thought." Madame Crepin shook her head and sipped her tea.

My cheeks burned at her disappointment and I shot to my feet. "Better to be an ignorant princess than a cowardly spinster!" I snapped. "Thank you for the tea, but I must take my leave."

Madame Crepin did not respond, she simply sat and drank her tea. Nora opened the door for me. As I was walking through the doorway, she whispered "Do not mistake discretion for cowardice, Princess. It has served Madame well over the years, you would do good to remember that. She does not owe the court the details of her happiness, and neither do you."

Before I could even register that a maid had just given me advice, Nora closed the door and I was standing outside, alone in the hall.

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