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As she woke up from the "deep" sleep.
Abi sighed, she didn't want to go to college today, I mean, don't we all?

But for abi, it was a different reason.

She was a loner, you could say.
For abi, she would say and I quote
"i just dont like people yo".

What an idiot

It's not that people didn't like her or that she was mean. It was the fact that this girl is a hopeless introvert.

Seriously, one time a dude came up to her to ask where the bathroom is and she said "jeogiyo oppa namjachi-"


Calm down Jamal,

Anyways, where was I?


She got up from the soft mattress and trudged along her bedroom walls to her bathroom.
After a good hot shower, she brushed her teeth, changed, and tiredly walked downstairs.

"Morning sweetie"

"Morning mom"

"Well you don't look very excited."

"Should I be?

"It's your first day hon, it can't be that bad. Here have some breakfast."

Abi smiled at her mom before indulging in the light meal given to her.

"Alright mom, I'm heading out, love you!"

"Love you too!"

Closing the door behind her, Abi walked the ten minutes in silence, thinking about how the first day would go

She wondered if she would make any friends, since she wasn't the type to be out-going or extroverted, that thought was pushed away.

She hoped though, that she would meet a nice person and they would become friends, that would be a nice change for once, but no time to think of that, as she already reached the dreaded gates of hel- I mean college.

Abi walked into the assigned classroom and watched blankly and in slight jealousy, as her classmates excitedly conversed with their new friends.

"Hello class, I'm your new teacher, Miss Im"

The class continued on until the bell rang, as her teacher told her last lines before leaving.

"I figured since everyone is new to this class that we have a group project, get in pairs of two and in two weeks submit a short video on the importance of friendship."

Abi froze,

"Goddamit" Abi hissed, cursing the teacher that she didn't even know until today.

"That was some foul language"

Abi's head turned sharply to a guy who was sitting next to her.

When did he get here? Was I spacing out the entire class that I didn't notice him? Ay he's cute tho, wait shit-

"Hello??" Said the guy as he waved his hands in front of her face

"Oh sorry" Abi squeaked

"No worries, my names Jeongin, and you are?"

Jeongin huh? He's so pretty


"Well uh, I recently transferred and considering the way you swore, I'm guessing you are too" He said with a cheeky grin.

"Ah yes, sorry about that." Abi smiled back sheepishly.

"No worries, would you like to be my partner?"

"Sorry what-"

"The group project, would you like to be my partner for the project?"

"Oh yes of course!" Abi exclaimed a bit louder than she should have.

"Sorry," Abi blushed shyly.

"It's okay, let's meet at lunch"


She smiled when he walked out of the classroom.

Maybe this might not be such a shitty year after all


This had been sitting in my drafts for a while now, hope you enjoyed it!


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