Chapter 20

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Brittany strolled through the park, her steps leisurely but her mind heavy with thoughts. The sound of children's laughter filled the air, and she couldn't help but notice a group of little girls playing with their parents nearby. A frown tugged at her lips as she observed their joyous interactions, a pang of envy stirring within her.

Watching the girls with their parents, Brittany couldn't shake the feeling of longing that washed over her. She yearned for the simple pleasure of having a loving family, a connection she had often felt was missing in her own life.

As she looked away, hoping to distract herself from her thoughts, her gaze fell upon another scene unfolding nearby. A father was engaged with his daughters, chasing after them playfully while his wife watched on with affectionate eyes. Brittany couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as she witnessed the loving dynamic between the family.

The sight stirred memories from her own childhood, memories she had often tried to push aside. She couldn't help but think back to a time when things had been different, when she had longed for the same love and attention she now saw in others.

Little Brittany sat on the swing, her small legs kicking back and forth as she tried to make herself go higher. She watched with envy as her sisters, Melissa and Sarah, soared through the air, their laughter echoing around the playground.

"Hey, Daddy!" Brittany called out, hoping to catch her father's attention. But he was too busy pushing her sisters on the swings, a wide smile on his face as he cheered them on.

Determined to impress her father, Brittany pumped her legs harder, trying to make herself go higher without any help. After several tries, she finally managed to reach the same height as her sisters, a triumphant grin spreading across her face.

But when she hopped off the swing and approached her father, her excitement faded as she saw him tickling Melissa and Sarah, his attention solely focused on them.

"Daddy, did you see what I did?" Brittany asked, tugging on his shirt.

Her father ignored her, his smile faltering for a moment before he pushed her away, muttering, "Go annoy your mother."

Lost in her thoughts, Brittany continued her walk through the park, the weight of her emotions pressing down on her.

Brittany sprinted across the soccer field, her eyes locked on the ball as she prepared to make her shot. But as she swung her foot, the ball sailed wide of the goal, missing by a long shot. She shrugged it off, determined to do better next time.

Her teammate, Morgan, wasn't as forgiving. "What was that, Pierce?!" she yelled, frustration evident in her voice.

Brittany gritted her teeth, feeling the pressure mounting as she tried to focus on the game. But as the minutes passed, she found herself making mistake after mistake, her frustration growing with each misstep.

Finally, Morgan snapped, shoving Brittany roughly and demanding, "What is wrong with you?"

Brittany met Morgan's gaze with a defiant glare, her own anger bubbling to the surface. "What's wrong is all the shitty passes that everyone here has made," she retorted.

Morgan barked out a sarcastic laugh. "Oh yeah, it's everyone's fault but yours," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Rolling her eyes, Brittany pushed Morgan back, her frustration boiling over. "I'm better than everyone here, it's a fact. So you can't blame me for blaming trashy players," she spat.

Morgan raised her eyebrows, taken aback by Brittany's outburst. Before she could respond, Brittany cut her off with a declaration: "I quit."

With that, Brittany stormed away from the field, leaving her stunned teammates behind.

Santana sat next to Quinn, her brow furrowing as she noticed the unfamiliar look in Quinn's eyes. "What?" she asked, a hint of confusion in her voice.

Quinn hesitated for a moment before speaking. "You know, Brittany quit the soccer team," she said, her tone oddly detached.

Santana's frown deepened. "What? Why?" she demanded, concern creeping into her voice.

Quinn shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't know, but she stormed out of practice after yelling 'I quit.' It was quite dramatic," she replied, her voice tinged with bitterness.

Santana's worry grew. "Is she okay?" she asked, hoping for reassurance from Quinn.

Quinn rolled her eyes, her frustration evident. "Look, I'm already bored of this conversation. Can we talk about something different?" she snapped.

Santana's frown deepened at Quinn's dismissive attitude. "What?" she pressed, feeling a mix of confusion and annoyance.

Quinn sighed, her tone bitter. "You heard me," she replied curtly.

Santana felt a pang of hurt at Quinn's coldness. "But you brought it up," she pointed out.

Quinn shrugged, her resentment clear. "I know, but you're being all caring about Brittany when she was a bitch and quit her team for no reason, blaming her teammates for her being bad at soccer," she retorted.

Brittany sat at the lunch table with Kurt, Tina, and Mercedes, but her mind was elsewhere. While the others chatted excitedly about glee club and upcoming performances, Brittany found herself lost in her own thoughts, her gaze fixed on the fruit pot in front of her.

Mercedes noticed Brittany's distant expression and furrowed her brow. "Are you okay? You seem weird," she remarked, concern lacing her voice.

Brittany shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah, I'm good," she replied, her tone lacking conviction.

Tina leaned in closer, studying Brittany with a furrowed brow. "You sure? I've never seen you like this," she commented, her voice tinged with worry.

Brittany poked at her food with the spork on her tray, avoiding eye contact. "That's because you barely know me," she muttered, her voice barely audible.

Kurt, sensing that something was amiss, gently reached out to Brittany. "Britt, what's wrong? You were fine yesterday," he said, his concern evident.

Brittany sighed heavily, feeling the weight of her emotions pressing down on her. "I need to speak to Finn. I'll see you whenever, I guess," she replied quietly, before abruptly standing up and walking away from the table.

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