when they defend you against saesangs

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Bang Chan: 
- he saw a saesang approaching you and immediately stood in the middle of the two of you
- he reports all the calls and all the threats you get to the company and they will take legal action
- you got egged by a bunch of saesangs once so he made it clear that he was angry about that on a live
- "If you're ready to throw eggs to an innocent person, then be ready to go to court." 😤😤😤

Lee Minho:
- saesang tried to get into your house but he was visiting you so they got caught
- makes an announcement that if anyone harasses you, he'd make them pay for it
- talks to the company about you getting a bodyguard as it is partly the company's fault
- asks you to text him whenever you leave your house and arrive somewhere just so he knows you're okay

Seo Changbin:
- a saesang tried to grab you so he stopped her
- so mad that he might actually punch the saesangs if they don't watch out
- will take legal action no matter even if the saesang is 14, harming someone isn't okay at all
- if the company won't help, he'll just have to be with you outside of his working hours even if that means that there will be multiple articles

Hwang Hyunjin:
- he knows some saesangs so he'd be glaring at them, keeping them in check
- when you go with them to the airport he doesn't leave your side and asks one of the members to be at your other side
- the second something happens to you, he's going crazy, like he might fight the saesang and go to the police station for it
- he'd tell you to stay at his parents house as no one knows where that is so you'll be safe

Han Jisung:
- talks about it on a live so STAY know and could maybe help if they see you
- asks the company for help cuz he doesn't really know what to do but he wants to keep you safe
- writes a song about the situation so that not only STAY no of the ugliness of saesangs but others as well
- calls and texts you a lot just to be sure that you're doing fine

Lee Felix:
- sweet Felix is out of the window
- clearly shows how it annoys him and doesn't miss a chance to say something about it during interviews
- if the company doesn't take legal action, he will
- feels really bad about it all but doesn't want to let you go so he'd try everything he can to help and protect you

Kim Seungmin:
- stays with you whenever he is done with practice and work
- let's his family know the situation so you can go there for a few days
- will confront the saesangs head on
- he makes the company take legal action and publish an statement about it so no one dares to mess with you and if they do, he knows how to get bakc at them

Yang Jeongin:
- he is so frustrated and mad that you'd have to comfort him
- makes sure that if you tag along with them, he's next to you so the saesangs can't do anything and if they do, they will get in a fight with him and you
- would hire a bodyguard if saesangs tried go get in your house, honestly he might get you a while bodyguard team
- doesn't talk about in a live but when there is a crowd at an event he'd say something about it

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