The day a new path was chosen.

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Victoria and her family lived a quite simple life in Bebbanburg with her family of five and her mother pregnant. Victoria was the youngest child of three, her mother spent her days cooking, cleaning and taking care of her family. Victorias father was a part of Bebbanburgs guards protecting the small kingdom they lived in.

The family didn't have much but as long as they had each other they were a happy family; Victoria spent her days picking flowers for her mother and learning how to cook and take care of her family so one day she could do the same for her own family.

But Victoria didn't always stick to her everyday routine sometimes going off on her own and wandering around her village where she would spend time with some of the other children that had grown up in Bebbanburg.

"Victoria, Vicotria, VICTORIA damn you girl are you deaf." Victoria was snapped out of studying the butterfly that had landed on her hand while she was picking tulips for her mother outside of the castle walls, Victorias older brother George had been the one to call her.

She didn't move though even with hearing Georges footsteps coming closer with the crunching of each step he took; she was crouched down next to the flowers with the butterfly still on the back of her hand once her brother finally reached her, he startled the red butterfly away making the younger girl frown at how her brother ruined her fun.

"Why do you never listen when someone calls your name." George asked as Victoria stood up rolling her blue eyes as she turned away from him walking back towards the castle, they had both come from. "Because I did not want to be bothered, what was so urgent you had to come all the way out here to come and find me" She asked after a few steps her brother caught up to her. "Mother said that we all have to find her, and father and they will tell us what's going on once we are all together."

Once the two children reached their home people were running all around scaring the two siblings making them intertwine hands so they wouldn't lose each other in the cause. Victoria dropped the tulips as she walked through the town from all the shoving from the villagers.

"Mother." Vitoria yelled once she saw her mother and father packing the most important things they had in their home. "Danes are coming here now, we need to be ready if they find us, they will do terrible things." Victoria had never seen a Dane, but her father had told her stories of times that he had fought Danes saying they were big and ruthless, that they didn't care about anyone but themselves, their gods, and wealth.

Victoria did everything her mother said, she fell asleep that night the last time in her own bed. most the night she was not able to sleep tossing and turning all night next to her older sister Mary, who slept all through the night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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