F O U R T Y - F O U R

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"Do you have any idea of what the fuck you've just done?" I hissed at the traitor in front of me, my Wolf lingering just beneath my skin, urging for violence and blood and death.

Whose death...I'm not too sure yet at this moment.

Atlas ignored me, instead focusing on the woman of our dreams as she tidy up the small safe room, his eyes practically shining with adoration and those heart emoji's.

"Hey fuckface," I snapped in his face, gripping his chin and moving his head until we were face to face "Focus."

"That kiss was so worth your bitching and complaining" He muttered, taking a step away from me and towards the beauty at the bed "I think I'm even more in love with her than I was yesterday."

I stared at him like an alien sprouted from his forehead "Bullshit."

"No Nix, I'm serious" he gripped my arm with one hand while the other touched the center of his chest "I feel like an entirely different person. The moment our lips touched, it felt like I could breathe again. Like I had no worries in the world as long as she remained by my side."

My eyes widened at both his words and the awed tone he said them.

Because for as long as I've known him, Atlas has never been someone emotionally in tune with his feelings.

Hell...he's never been one for words at all, with anyone, always choosing to listen from the shadows instead.

So to hear him like this, emotionally invested, was insane.

"It was one kiss."

"It wasn't just a kiss Phoenix" Atlas said, eyes shining with emotion "It was so much more than a kiss."


Before I could comment on anything, the safe room door burst open.

Atlas and I moved fast enough to cover the most important thing in our lives...Nova.

I was a second away from shifting when I realized who was standing in front of us.

"What the fuck dude?" Atlas relaxed "What..."

"We need to leave" He hissed out, eyes frantically looking over us until they settle on one thing.

Or person...


"We need to leave" Kass strutted forward, reaching Nova's side in less than five seconds, tugging on her arm and dragging her forwards until she was within reach of us.

"What's going on Kassian?" her nose scrunched in confusion as her eyes briefly glanced at me, questions swirling in that icy gaze of hers "Why do you look so freaked out?"

His lips pursed as he looked at us.

"Another one of those things are coming."

I immediately tensed "What?"

"How do you know?"

"I just know."


"Because I just watched someone fucking summon it" he whispered, his eyes scrunching at the corners in stress "And that's not even the worst part."

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