Chapter 20

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Cale blinked and blinked again before he closed his eyes and pressed his lips into a thin line, and his whole body slowly started to relax as if Werlyn's command wasn't working on him anymore. He set his jaw and slowly nodded, silently telling me that he was only going to listen to me and no one else.

"Hmph." Werlyn sneered and narrowed his eyes while he continued to stare at us with something in his eyes. "Stand, Josiah," he said, keeping the same power in his voice, but thankfully, Cale didn't seem to notice and stayed kneeling at my feet.

However, Cale did open his eyes and stared at me with eyes of blue, and there was no trace of the yellowish-green in his eyes while he waited for me to tell him to do something or anything like that.

Thank Gods...

Finally, Werlyn chuckled and slowly nodded while he relaxed and stood taller. "Good, good," he said and stopped whatever spell that he tried to put on Cale, but Cale didn't look his way and only looked at me, waiting for me to tell him to do something or say anything while I had him under my control. "You two are going to need that strong bond if you are going to survive whatever comes your way."

I didn't say a word and kept looking at Cale, taking my hand off of his cheek to pull my hood down all the way again, even though I knew that he had seen my face.

Werlyn chuckled, amused, and he didn't seem too annoyed that I had done that. He slowly nodded and cleared his throat while he shifted on his feet, growing serious. "Now, release your command on him, Your Highness," he said and gestured toward us before he cleared his throat and stood taller. "We have a lot to discuss but not a lot of time to do it in."


I set my jaw and pressed my lips into a thin line, not knowing how he knew that I was a princess.

Werlyn smirked and tucked his head closer to his chest while he stared at us, amused. "It's the same reason why I know that you don't know him as Josiah, Your Highness," he said as if he knew what I was thinking and gestured to Cale, who was still kneeling and staring at me with a dull look in his eyes, still waiting for me to tell him to do something. "You know him as... Cale, correct?" He raised an eyebrow in question while he looked between the two of us. "Or is it Collen?"

I didn't respond and looked at Cale, raising an eyebrow in question, not knowing how to answer Werlyn's question, but Cale didn't react and didn't say a word.

His whole body was relaxed while he stayed kneeling at my feet, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was anything going on in his mind while he stared at me.

Werlyn cleared his throat to hide a chuckle while he looked at us. "He's not going to answer you with a look like that, Your Highness," Werlyn said and shook his head with a small tsk. "Your best bet is to release him from your command so that he can function as he normally would. Then he will be able to react to you like you want him to."

I hesitated and looked at Werlyn, praying that I was not making a mistake talking to him when Cale told me not to. "How do I know that?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. I grabbed Cale's arm a little too tight, but the male didn't even flinch away from my grasp.

"Well, take your hand off of his arm, for one," he replied, amused. "Tell him to stand and look you in the eye, and then release your command from him. However, do it quickly because the longer you two are here, the more danger you will be in." He gestured to my hood, clearing his throat. "You will have to pull that all the way down so that you can see your face."


"Your friend isn't the only one that has been in contact with dragons or dragon riders," Werlyn said, interrupting me. "He might be the one that is "fated" with one, but he is not the only one that knows."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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