No_2 Crossdressing

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Ren x Akechi

Ren had planned to visit Ohya one evening. He had just recently made a bond with Ohya, and was almost certain she would be black out drunk at Crossroads.
He had ridden the train to Shinjuku, and hastily walked his way to Crossroads. Whenever he was in Shinjuku, he always felt nervous.
"Ugh. I hate walking alone in Shinjuku." Ren looked left and right to see host clubs and drunkards.
"Hey ! I'm here too y'know." Morgana popped out of his bag.
"Well yeah, but it's not like you can protect me out here !"
"Don't underestimate me ! I'll have you know that my teeth and claws are incredibly sharp !"
"Oh trust me, I know already,,," The two had reached the bar, and Ren opened the door.
He walked in, only to see a empty bar. No Ohya or Lala. Ren started to look around confused, until Lala came out from the back.
"Oh. It's you again. You here for that meddlesome girl ?" Ren nodded. "Well, it seems she drank past her limit today. Just around half an hour ago she was throwing her guts out in my toilet." Lala shook her head disaprovingly. "I sent her home. It'd be best if you left too, since she's not here."
"Oh, okay." He started walking towards the door. "Sorry for always troubling you."
"Haha, no problem boy. You keep that girl in check. Once you're of age you should stop by for a drink." Ren smiled and walked out.

"Now what ?" Morgana poked out of Ren's bag once again.
"I dunno,,," Ren sighed. "Maybe I'll check if anyone wants to hang out right now. I don't feel like going home."
"That's not a bad idea. Why don't you check your-" Two interesting looking men walked up to Ren. Ren recognized them. They were the men who dragged Ryuji away when they first went to Shinjuku.
"Hey boy~ we saw you walk into that bar just now. You know what that bar is about, right~?" One of the men giggled. Ren shuddered.
"Oh-oohh, isn't he the boy who was with that blonde deliquent awhile ago ?~" The other man spoke, swaying left to right.
"Oooh, it seems your right. We didn't catch you last time, your friend was just soo entertaining,,," Ren felt the urge to apologize to Ryuji. "Well then, why don't you come with us ? We'll show you a whole new worldd." Ren's eyes darted towards Morgana.
"Hey ! Help me out here ! Didn't you say something earlier about your claws and teeth ??!" He said in a hushed but still somewhat loud tone.
"W-wow,,, what pretty lights Shinjuku has,,," Ren made a mental note to exclude Morgana from any future sushi places.
Before he knew it he was getting dressed up by very flamboyant men whilst Morgana was nowhere to be seen.
"My~ I really do have an eye for men." One man said.
"You look wonderful boy !~" Another giggled. Ren was shoved infront of a full body mirror, and stared at what he saw infront of him.
Their was a girl with long, black hair down to her waist. She had no glasses, and had simple makeup that accentuated her eyes and lashes. Her outfit was a tight black turtle neck with long sleeves with a black denim mini skirt and a belt skillfully placed to mimick a women's waist. She had leggings similar to Makoto's and Mary Janes with the slightest heel. She was beautiful.
That she was Ren Amimiya.
"We didn't have to do much, since you already have feminine features~" The man squirmed. "For starters, I thought we should put you in a rather casual outfit !"
"Come again another time if you want us to dress you up again !~ The clothes are on the house, buh-bye !" He waved.
Before Ren knew it he was kicked onto the streets of Shinjuku dressed as a girl.
"Ah." Ren was dumbfounded. "I guess I should head home huh,,,"

Ren felt like he was getting more looks on the train today. The only thing different about him was that he was a pretty girl,,, Well, Ren thought it over and realized that's a pretty big difference. Is that what it's like to be a pretty girl ?
Ren decided to make a quick stop in Kichioji to grab some ground meat cutlet from the fried food shop  before heading home. It was a Sunday after all. He wanted to make this stop as quick as possible so was speed walking the whole time. Ren hadn't noticed it but he had dropped his wallet whilst trying to finish his task at hand. A man who was walking past Ren had noticed and decided to notify him.
"Excuse me, you dropped this,,," Ren turned around to the familar voice and saw who he wanted to see the least dressed how he was.
Shit shit shittt. Him ?? Really ?? You've got to be kidding me. Ren wanted the ground to swallow him whole. He was praying to god Akechi wouldn't recognize him.
"Uhm, your wallet miss ?" Ren panicked, and decided to grab the wallet and bowed as a thank you. He didn't want Akechi to recognize his voice and he doubt he could pull off a good enough girl voice to fool him.
"Haha, no need to bow so much. You know, you have a very underground brand for your wallet. But besides that, you should be more careful with your belongings." Akechi warned. "Well, I'll be taking my leave now." Ren nodded and once Akechi was out of sight, let out a reliefed sigh. At this point he decided screw it, the food wasn't that important anyways. He should just get home as soon as possible. He didn't want to risk another chance encounter such as this.

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