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Blair POV.

A few days later, Barbara and I head to country B, accompanied by Amelia.

My university classmate, Robert, personally picks us up at the airport. He approaches and hugs me, "Blair, you have no idea how lonely I've been since you came back to your country."

I pull myself out of his arms, "Oh, come on. I've seen your social media accounts; you seem to be having a great time at the pub every day."

Robert chuckles and warmly greets Barbara and Amelia before escorting us to the hotel.

This time I've come to Country B to bid for a theme park project. The other party is a leading company with strong strength and is looking for partners for its peripheral products.

As soon as I arrive at the hotel, I turn on my computer and start working on the proposal while putting my previous designs and product visuals into PowerPoint to try and impress them with our capabilities.

Robert leans over to me, "You work too hard. I thought we could go grab a drink and chat for a bit. What do you think?"

I gesture towards the two women beside me who are staring at me, "I'm fine with it, but they might kill me."


Barbara shrugs, "She can't drink. She's been to the hospital twice before."

Robert opens his mouth, then he suddenly realizes, "No wonder you've lost so much weight. When I hugged you, your arms felt bony."

I shift my gaze from the computer screen to his face, smiling, "You're too exaggerated."

"I'm serious." Robert pauses and says, "Why don't you stay here? I don't think you're living a happy life in your home."

"She does have a lot of family problems." Barbara nods knowingly, then her stomach suddenly growls.

It's dinner time now.

There's a pizza place near the hotel, so after ordering, we find a place to sit. The three of them enjoy their cold beers, while I drink my tasteless, colorless purified water.

Robert seems to think I'm not suffering enough. After finishing his beer, he asks the boss for another bottle, then looks down at me, suddenly remembering something, "Oh, I forgot to tell you some gossip."

"I didn't know you even cared about gossip?"

"I heard it from someone." Robert shrugs, "There's a rumor that the CEO of the theme park is a womanizer, he likes to sleep with many women, and he was sued for sexual harassment before."

Barbara almost spits out her pizza.

I take a sip of water and continue listening.

Amelia says, "Will he be at the bidding meeting tomorrow? If he's interested in Blair, that would be terrible, wouldn't it?"

I joke, "Isn't that perfect? If he's into me, I sleep with him; we win the project, and we sign the contract directly."

Barbara pretends to beat me.

"Do you have a picture of him?" I ask.

"Wait a minute." Robert takes out his phone.

The next morning, Barbara and I dress formally to attend the bidding conference.

There are many bidders at the meeting, and by the time it's my turn to speak, it's already 1 p.m.

The tenderers are sitting in the first two rows, their faces gradually showing signs of fatigue after listening to the speeches and proposals from the previous competitors.

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