Prologue&Chapter 1

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It has been so long since I have seen the sky...As deeply as I love the unending deep indigo sky to this realm, I do still long for the sky of the mortal world... and the warm hand of my partner as we stand to admire it. Oh, my dear Atticus, I've missed you more than words can say. If only I was not rendered so weak, so dizzy, I would find you in that world we both loved so much, and together we would gather our children to us and be a family again, all of us. And we would find our sweet daughters, whom I left behind when I was taken, and Mile and Melara will at last meet their siblings. I miss you more than words can say, but I have faith, somehow. That soon I shall see you again, and that we will see our children together, and soon...


 "I know how we'll get out."In the dark of their scruffy cell, Risty fixed her pale blue eyes on her two friends where they sat, with their backs against the wall. The last rays of light fell on her spiky white hair.

"How?" Nerra asked, her dark blue eyes teeming with sadness as she listlessly pushed her dark blue hair off her shoulders. "You heard the Chancellor. On the morrow we are to be delivered to Hexor, to save Tamora from further destruction."Hexor. The God of Blood and Death, master of Blood Magic, Keeper of the Darkest Secrets. In the shattered remains of the once proud realm of Tamora, the survivors of the fateful collapse, those who had sought shelter within the crumblings of the last great city, whose name has been long forgotten, believed that he could save them from further death. Through the sacrifice of teenage girls.

Which was why Risty, Nerra, and Deborah were locked in a jail cell, facing almost certain execution on the morrow.

Deborah put her arms around her sister. Despite only a two year difference, the sisters were more different that sun and moon. Deborah, the image of her father (though considerably less fat), was tall, tan, with wild brown hair that she kept tied back in a luscious ponytail, and sharp green eyes. She  was the older sister, often used by her father to promote his wealthy merchant business. Deborah had declared she would willingly be sacrificed than be given away in an arranged marriage. She had left her home with her sister, hoping to find her own way. Instead, she and her sister were now sacrifices. But Deborah was not one to become meek in the face of danger, and she was still defiant. And would be, most likely, to her grave.

Nerra, on the other hand, was the splitting image of their mother. Pale, thin, medium height, with long heavy dark blue hair and deep blue eyes, Nerra was raised the treasured child of the Marrolova family. She had never defied anyone in her life. She'd never had to fight for herself. And she'd been raised to quail in fear at the mere mention of fighting and violence.

Deborah fixed her emotionless gaze on Risty. They had never truly been friends, but Deborah and Risty had always respected each others strengths. Deborah hated her lifestyle with a burning passion; Risty had spent years working to improve her life situation. From this, at least, they had somewhat common ground.Now, she asked quietly, "Do you really think there's a chance with that portal?"

Risty nodded. With the vicious attack on the Last City, a huge, gaping chasm had opened along the ancient path to the once great statue of the Goddess Elwynn, creator of all and Master of Life and Balance. There were ancient whisperings that this chasm led to Elwynn's own secret world: Lemuria, paradise of mortals. But none were willing to take the risk of jumping into the chasm, and most tried to ignore it.Now, however, that portal was their only chance at freedom. And Risty was prepared to  risk everything for it.

Before she could second guess herself, Risty stood up and walked over to the heavy iron door and began pounding on the metal. "Guard!" she yelled. "We want to pray at the statue of Elwynn. We were given that right. Let us out!"

Nerra gasped. "You mean you want to go NOW?!" she cried.

Unable to face her, Risty nodded. "It's now or never, Nerra. We have to go now, or we'll never get the chance."

"She's right, sis," Deborah murmured. "We won't have another chance."Surprised, Risty turned to look at Deborah. The merchant's daughter held her gaze for a long moment, then nodded. Carefully helping her sister to her feet, Deborah came to the door with her silent sister in tow.After a moment, the heavy iron door swung open, and a burly, sullen guardsman appeared dressed in full mail.

"Go to the shrine," he grunted. "No further. You have ten minutes."If he hadn't been wearing full armor, Risty would have struck him. He didn't have the right to restrict their time of worship. But she said nothing, leading the others along the path to the now crumbling statue that once resembled the beautiful Goddess.

Risty had always worshiped Elwynn. The great Goddess, depicted as a maiden with flowing long hair, had been a constant part of her life since she was old enough to go to the small church in the center of what had been her village. Now, standing in front of the much neglected statue, she wanted to weep over the obvious neglect that her beloved Goddess's monument had endured. "Elwynn, protect us," she whispered.

As if in response, her small pendant, an hourglass with silver wings, the symbol of Elwynn, began to glow. Risty took a deep breath, and walked over to the edge. After brief hesitation, Nerra and Deborah joined her. Together, the three girls stood on the edge, the wind rustling their outfits and hair. They didn't speak.

"Hey!" The guard yelled. "Get away from there!"

In a low voice, Risty asked, "Are you ready?"

For the first time in a long time, Deborah smiled. "Let's go." Nerra, hearing her, nodded as well.

The guard was walking toward them. "I said get away from there!" He yelled.

In unison, the girls took a deep breath. Risty could feel her confidence warring with her mind's feverish attempts to stop her from jumping off the bridge.She took a deep breath. And then walked off.


The fall was amazing.

Risty had always had crystal clear memory, and the fall would be one of the memories she treasured forever. As they fell, something compelled Risty to release Nerra and Deborah's hands and free-fall completely. The speed, combined with the swirling colors of the chasm, took her breath away. It was all so beautiful.She knew that Nerra, and maybe even Deborah, were terrified of the fall.Risty couldn't share their terror. For her, the fall was magic.Before the exhilaration stole her consciousness, Risty swore she heard a woman whispering in her ear. Her words were joyous: Welcome Home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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