Chapter one

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Jasmine's heart raced as she frantically scanned the room for a place to hide. The pounding on the door grew louder, more insistent, and the heavy bookshelf trembled under the relentless assault. Her eyes darted around the classroom, seeking any form of cover that could shield her from the impending terror.
She spotted a row of lockers at the back of the room. Without hesitation, Jasmine dashed toward them, her footsteps echoing off the tiled floor. She wrenched open the nearest locker, squeezing her body into the cramped space. Her breathing was ragged and shallow as she tried to steady herself, her eyes wide with fear as she peered through the narrow slats of the locker door.
The pounding stopped, replaced by an eerie silence. Jasmine held her breath, her heart pounding in her ears as she listened for any sign of movement. The classroom door creaked open slowly, and she saw the shadowy figure enter the room, moving with deliberate, menacing steps.
Jasmine's eyes widened in terror as the figure stalked through the room, its presence cold and intimidating. She bit her lip, trying to remain as quiet as possible, her entire body tensed in anticipation. The figure moved closer, and she could see the glint of claws extending from its gloved hand, the metal tips reflecting the faint light that seeped into the room.
Jasmine's mind raced as she watched the figure search the room. She knew she was trapped, and her only hope was that the figure wouldn't find her hiding spot. She held her breath, her body shaking with fear, as the figure moved closer, its shadow falling across the locker doors.
The figure stopped, as if sensing her presence. Jasmine's heart pounded harder, her body frozen in fear as the figure reached out, its clawed hand hovering just inches from the locker door. She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable.

Jasmine opened her eyes and peeked through the narrow slats of the locker door. The room was silent, and the shadowy figure was nowhere to be seen. She took a deep breath and cautiously stepped out of the locker, her eyes darting around the classroom. The figure had seemingly vanished.
She slowly moved toward the door, her heart racing with a mix of relief and lingering fear. As she peered down the empty hallway, she let out a shaky breath, believing the danger had passed. However, a cold chill ran down her spine as she felt a presence behind her.
Jasmine turned around slowly, her eyes widening in horror as the figure loomed over her, its claws gleaming menacingly in the dim light. She screamed, her voice echoing off the walls as the figure lunged at her.
Jasmine jolted upright, her scream still echoing in her ears. She was in her bed, her room illuminated by the soft glow of the early morning light. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her hands shook as she wiped the sweat from her brow.
"It was just a nightmare," she whispered to herself, her voice trembling with relief. She glanced around her room, the familiar surroundings slowly calming her racing heart. She sighed deeply, trying to shake off the lingering fear as she realized the nightmare was over. Or so she thought
Jasmine sat on her bed, her breathing slowly returning to normal as she reassured herself that the nightmare was over. She glanced at her clock and noticed it was 6 a.m., the beginning of a new day. Shaking off the lingering sense of dread, she rose from her bed and headed to the bathroom.
The bathroom mirror reflected her pale, anxious face as she turned on the tap and splashed cold water on her cheeks. The cold water felt refreshing, momentarily helping her forget the nightmare. She grabbed her toothbrush and began brushing her teeth, but as she bent over the sink, a sharp pain shot through her back.
"Ow!" she winced, straightening up and gingerly touching her back. The pain was sharp and unexpected, and her brow furrowed as she tried to locate the source of the discomfort. She twisted her body to see her reflection in the mirror, and her eyes widened in shock.
A faint, lighter-colored claw mark stretched across her back, thin and jagged, like a scratch left by a set of claws. Jasmine's heart skipped a beat as she stared at the mark, her mind racing. She reached back and touched the mark, wincing as a dull pain followed her touch.
"How... how is this possible?" she whispered to herself, fear creeping back into her heart. The mark was unmistakably real, but she couldn't fathom how it had appeared. The nightmare had felt so real, but she had woken up safe in her bed... or so she thought.
Jasmine stared at her reflection, the weight of her realization sinking in. The nightmare might have been over, but the real horror was just beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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