PART-2 (Decision)

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*After freshen up she changed and then sat on her bed and started thinking something*

Yn in mind:- Why did Mr Lee suddenly came here with Jihoon?

*She came out of her thoughts when she heard her mom is calling her name from outside*

Yn's mom:- Yn! What are you doing come fast!

Yn:- y-yes I'm coming!

*She went downstairs*

Yn:- Dad.

Yn's dad:- Oh come Yn
Sit down..

*She sat down on the couch*

Yn's dad:- So as you know Yn that Mr Lee is my business partner and a good friend too, And you also may know Jihoon he also owns two companies.

Yn:- Ok but why are you telling me this?

Yn's dad:- Because we have a surprise for you.

Yn:- Surprise? Sorry I didn't understand?

Yn's dad:- Look, you are going to graduate in few days and Jihoon is really a nice guy so we thought that you and Jihoon should get married.

Yn:- But I don't want to get married yet, dad..

Yn's dad:- Look, we know you are shocked because we have taken this decision suddenly...
But trust us Jihoon will keep you happy..

Yn:- But I don't want to marry Jihoon!

Mr Lee:- Daughter take as much time as you need but this wedding will definitely happen.

Yn:- But uncl--

Yn's dad:- Look Yn, this will definitely happe--

Jihoon:- It's ok, If she doesn't want to marry me then please you both should not force her..

Mr Lee:- You keep quiet Jihoon.

Yn's dad:- Yn it's my final decision-

Yn:- How can you decide about my marriage without asking me!

Yn's dad:- I'm your father and I don't need your permission to fix your marriage!

Yn:- ok then I will not do this marriage at any cost, no matter what you do!

*She said and went upstairs straight up to her room and locked the door from inside*

Yn's dad:- Yn!, this girl has become very stubborn..

Jihoon:- well, it's not her fault uncle.., You should have asked her first..

*Mr Lee glared at Jihoon and he became silent*

Yn's dad:- I'm sorry Mr Lee..

Mr Lee:- It's ok Mr Kang you go and talk to her sweetly I know she'll understand.

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