25. Damage Control

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Chapter Twenty-FiveDamage Control

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Chapter Twenty-Five
Damage Control

**Trigger warning for mentions of SA**

The air was tense the day after. Alyssa didn't really know what to say. It wasn't an unknown feeling to the girl. She couldn't say the same for the others, which made it a bit awkward. Yet, it comforted Alyssa that she wasn't the only one feeling that way.

They'd had a few good days in Alexandria, but it seemed there were still many sleepless nights to come, especially after the day before. Seeing Rick in that state again triggered something in her. It brought her back to the road before the group was reunited. Images of a certain night plagued her dreams in those few hours she did get some sleep.

Alyssa had expected to get over it in an instant, but she couldn't. She thought since it didn't go too far, she shouldn't have any trauma or anxiety because of it. But it did go too far. Just because she wasn't raped didn't mean anything about it was okay. She was violated and now she had no clue how to move on from it.

But the earth kept moving and she had to as well. She got dressed and went downstairs to try and see what the air was like. She could've expected the tension, but she had to see anyway.

Glenn, Maggie, Abraham, and Rosita were standing around the kitchen table. They were undoubtedly talking about Rick and the situation they found themselves in now. Alyssa hid behind a wall at first. Partly because she didn't want to interrupt, partly because she wanted to spy on them. After moving in, Alyssa felt left out. She wanted to know the plan.

"I'll try to do some damage control," Maggie said. "Talk to Deanna. And if that don't work, talk to the rest, convince them to let him stay."

"Carol's waiting on us, we gotta go see Rick," Abraham reminded them, ending their little meeting. Alyssa cursed under her breath. Just a minute too late.

"See you at the meeting," Rosita replied. She headed towards the door. On her way, she must've seen Alyssa out of the corner of her eye. "Good morning, eavesdropper." She grinned before opening the door.

"Morning," Alyssa said with a sigh, looking at her feet. She stepped out of the shadows. "Morning, guys," she mumbled awkwardly as she walked towards the fridge like nothing had ever happened.

"Good morning to you too," Maggie chuckled, cracking a small smile. "I'll come find you before the meeting, okay? Sorry I've been so busy," she told her, softly squeezing Alyssa's shoulder.

Alyssa pursed her lips. "Not your fault," she replied, shrugging. Maggie nodded, kissed Glenn's cheek and left the house as well.

"Are you gonna be okay by yourself?" Glenn asked, a worried look on his face that could be for her as much as the current situation.

"Yeah. I'm gonna hang with Carl for a bit," Alyssa replied. "Goodluck."

"We'll be okay," Abraham insisted, stoic as ever. He reached out to give her a fistbump before he and Glenn left, leaving her by herself in the house.

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