Page Four

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Since it is a Sunday Cassie took it upon herself to go further with the dead end search the group did the day before maybe she might find something so next time they come over the Truth Seekers she can have a lead to give them. So after Cassie has her cereal and orange juice she heads back to her bedroom and she starts the search on her own because she wants to give the group a lead to go by on when they begin another round of searching but at least have something to go by instead of nothing at all. After that day forward she tried different searches yet she still refuses to think paranormal because none of the other kingdoms has anything happening related to the paranormal so that is why she didn't bother to think that was the case because if this was something to worry about the adults would be doing something as they seem not to. When the group came back to Cassie's home they all agreed accept for Cassie to look into the paranormal so they all began searching for the paranormal see if that is what is happening to their kingdom. The group found different pages concerning the paranormal from different teams that actually deals with this matter. All of the sudden one of the group members gasps saying they found the same thing someone else is calming down o hear scratches on the wall they can't explain or the voices they are hearing then went to say it has to be what is going on here but how to prove it. When winter came along with the group coming to conclusion what was going on within the kingdom another plague came without fail while many folks came down with it as there were deaths yet som did recover from it because some got the plague worse over others. Cassie was one who got sick from the plague but she did recover from it lucky her but when she was sick she would be praying to God if she recovers from this she would do anything yet really wonders if what everyone is hearing are the ones who died from it. Since Cassie has gotten well before she would fall asleep she would hear the weeping sound but this time it was sounding much louder than it ever has. Cassie would get out of bed standing by her window this time the sound went on what seems to be an hour to follow the weeping sound came the angry sounds that seems to lasted half an hour now when the sounds died away no matter what Cassie couldn't fall back to sleep. Cassie's parents began to notice that Cassie was losing sleep as they asked if she was feeling alright she would just say having trouble sleeping was all no big deal. The group never returned back to Cassie's home because they all want to believe that was going on within the kingdom but there is nothing at all they can do about it so they are going to just cope what they are hearing by night time. Weeks went by as Cassie still having trouble going back to sleep because the sounds would wake her up during the night. Cassie's parents have no idea what is going on with their daughter and why she is having trouble sleeping at night so they went to look for help for their daughter. When Cassie began to see her therapist she wouldn't let them know it is the weeping sound that wakes her up in would only say she was having bad dreams was all so the therapist gave plenty of suggestions for Cassie to keep her mind busy off her bad dreams maybe they will go away as she can finally have descent sleep because she looks like she needed sleep. Cassie's father would go get her art supplies and other activities Cassie enjoys doing lucky school was over so she can do much of her activities to help her sleep at night. At first it seems to be helping Cassie she was finally sleeping all through the night but that never lasted long some point Cassie wakes up in the middle of the night hearing first the weeping sound and the angry whispering next but she would toss and turn in bed once she got back at first she would say nothing can hurt her. Sometimes she would fall asleep and sometimes she wouldn't but once morning came Cassie would get out of bed as she would keep herself busy from that moment on. Even when school was back in session Cassie would do the activities her therapist suggested her to do but first when she got home she will first do her homework which by the time supper was ready she would be done by then next after supper she will do her activities until she is ready for bed. Cassie is still on and off having her good days of getting her full rest as she still has days of having trouble going back to sleep but Cassie she still deals with it. Days that Cassie has trouble sleeping her teachers would all ask her if she was alright if she is feeling well as she would tell them she was not to worry she will be fine as she also tells them she was already seeing a therapist so they would leave it at that. At least Cassie schoolwork wasn't being effective by all this at least she keeps up with her grades as she also turns in her homework on time to do her teachers are not all that worried about her only when she looks tired then they show concern. It still bothers Cassie to hear the weeping sound next the angry whispering sounds so at some point she begins writing everything done maybe getting it off her chest could help better so her mother went to help her daughter to pick out a journal book. After Cassie got her journal book she entitled it the Haunting Shadows of the Whispering Forest as she begins to write her own story about the Rainforest Hill kingdom. Since she has started writing it which will be an hour before bed as she would write a page a night as that begins helping her.

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