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What a sad beautiful tragic love affair.


I stood outside Charlotte's home early in the morning. A new set of hope coursing inside me, and I cling onto it, desperately as I silently prayed for this situation to be over. I want Charlotte back, and I will do everything to fix this thing between us.

My eyes are tired from the lack of sleep, as I have spent my whole night thinking of what had happened. And as I came to make my final decision, I decided that this is only a little misunderstanding that had come between me and Charlotte. One that could be corrected with one, rational decision and a decent talk.

If Charlotte wants to go to New York, i'll be happy to support her. We could work a long distance relationship out, and I can visit her there as often as she wants me to. A sliver of hope continued to burn within me as I knocked on the front door of their home, feeling determined as ever. I waited for someone to open the door, but after a minute or two, I was greeted by silence. I knocked once again, steeling my body as I prepare myself to face Charlotte, a determined smile resting on my face.

But came no one once again. I furrowed my brows in question as I tried to listen to the sound of footsteps coming from inside, but there's none. An uncomfortable feeling starts to churn inside my body, making me feel a little uneasy as negative thoughts starts to reel my mind. I tried to shake them out, setting aside the turmoil that's starting to form inside my brain.

I waited again for another set of minutes before I began knocking once again, but still, there's nothing. I sighed heavily, the feeling of confusion and desperation mixing inside my being. My hands started to shake and sweat as the time continues to pass and there was still no answer from the other side of the door.

As I was about to try and open the front door, I heard a noise coming from an upcoming vehicle. My hands were frozen in the air, halting my movement to open the door. I turned around to look at the vehicle approaching. It was Charlotte's mother's car, a blue Volkswagen beetle parking inside their backyard.

I walked slowly down the stairs of their front porch, as the passenger seat of the car opened, revealing Charlotte's mom, Diana. Upon seeing me in their front porch, an expression of confusion flashed on Diana's face. "Engfa?" she called me as I walked closer to her.

My steps were swift and desperate. "Aunt Diana, is Charlotte home? I knocked on your door a few times but there was no answer. Is she asleep? Is she okay?" there were many questions on my mind that I was dying to ask her, but I choose not to. My patience were wearing thin as I waited for her answer, but I still masked the uneasy feeling by flashing a small, nervous smile.

Diana's face went from confused to guilty. She tried to open her mouth but was unable to find the right words to say. My smile slowly faltered upon seeing the swift, and sudden change in her expression. My body went cold and tense as my mind suddenly jumped into the worse conclusion that she may reveal. I was driven by my anticipation and impatience, as I grabbed a hold of her arm, desperately waiting for her answer. "Where's Charlotte?" I asked once again, my voice were pleading and desperate.

"She already left, Engfa. I just dropped her off the airport this morning." Diana said, her voice attempting to deliver the news as lightly as she can, avoiding hurting my feelings. But it was pointless. "I told her to at least say goodbye to you, but Charlotte didn't want to hurt your feelings anymore."

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