A new home (alexs pov)

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Once I got home, my mother's helped me unpack my stuff. It wasn't hard as I only had some clothes and comfort stuff. They also got me a few gifts! These people where nice...maybe I can trust them..? I'll give it some time. They showed me my room and it was well decorated! I looked at them and my cheeks flushed red. They looked adored. Then they started to speak.

"He's adorable! Aww..." Jessica said.
"I know!" Amelia replied.

A few hours later, we had dinner. I took a few bites of it and it was actually good! Better than the food at the orphanage. I ended up eating the entire thing. My two mothers tried asking me some questions. They could tell I didn't want to answer them...so they ended up asking better questions such as "How old are you?" Or "What's your favourite color?". I was extremely nervous.

As time went by, I started getting more comfortable around them! I even let them hug me! That is not something I let anyone do. Despite this, I still never smile. I still do things I shouldn't. So my parents got me a therapist. He was nice! He had black hair with blonde tips, green eyes and a few freckles. He was beautiful. Did I...like him? This felt weird. I have therapy today again. I started to make my way there and by the time I got there, he was waiting by his desk. We started to talk about my problems and he was very supportive! My heat melted. I think he noticed the visible blush on my face as he was blushing aswell. He slowly leaned in and he got closer. My face turned red. He was quite close. He started to speak once again. His voice was quite deep but comforting.

"So Alex...tell me. How have things been recently? Are they getting better?"
"Yeah...I-i...suppose..." I replied. My voice was shaky. He looked at me in the eyes. My heart almost left my chest because of how hard its beating. He chuckled and ruffled my hair.
"Got a little crush?" He said in a sarcastic tone. I looked away in embarrassment...I stayed silent. "...o-oh" He said as if it was unexpected. "So you do..." He said. I shrugged. Out of nowhere, he got up and walked around the table and stood directly infront of me. He then crouched down, grabbed my chin and pulled me in for a kiss! I was at first shocked as it was my first ever kiss. I then kissed back and pulled away. My face turned red. He then hugged me. "I love you...Alex." He stated. My heart was fluttering.
"...I love you too...Zach."

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