Chapter Fourteen

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He'd been expecting her to be stressed at the prospect of getting in the studio and starting on the new album given he was yet to hear her say a positive word about anything she'd written, but he'd been wrong. She'd been awake bright and early, almost bouncing around the room with excitement as he watched on.

"You don't have to come you know, you can stay and get some rest or hang out with your friends." She offered as he dragged himself out of bed. The sudden change of time zone, and last nights hangover, seemed to have hit him harder than her.

He shook his head. "No, I want to come just give me five minutes. I'll be ready." He was so curious to hear what she'd written he wasn't about to miss the opportunity.

He had been surprised when she suggested they walk to the studio. It wasn't far from the hotel at all, but he knew she didn't usually walk anywhere for fear of being spotted and mobbed by fans. She was in a great mood that morning though, and had simply shrugged his concerns off, slipping her hand into his and pulling him out into the street.

Cassie was already there when they arrived, looking perplexed for a moment at the two of them arriving on foot but didn't say anything. She was exuding all of the stress he'd expected from Hannah.

"Obviously it goes without saying you can't talk about any of what you hear in here until the album is released." She said very sternly to Lando.

Hannah shot him an apologetic look, turning to chat to a couple of other people in the room about what they were going to do as Cassie continued her lecture.

"Of course, my lips are sealed." Lando reassured her, his eyes still on Hannah over her shoulder.

Cassie seemed to relax a little. "Then sit there." She pointed at a chair by the window into the recording booth. "Don't touch anything. We'll get you some headphones. Hannah, let's get started. We don't have too long."

"What are we going to do first?" Hannah asked as Cassie ushered her into the booth.

"Up to you, whatever you want." Cassie shrugged.

Hannah frowned. "I don't get why they've suddenly changed their mind about this. Am I going to spend the whole day in here for them to then change their mind again and decide they hate it all?"

Cassie shook her head. "No, they're happy with what I've shown them so far. I think at this point they just want something definite that they can work with to get started on the marketing and that. So if it's going to be a breakup album then so be it. Just make it the breakup album of the century."

"Okay." Hannah nodded, still frowning. It was weird. She couldn't put her finger on what exactly, but something was off.

Lando watched on from behind the window as she started chatting to the musicians and they were all shuffling around bits of paper and having a discussion about what would work best.

They eventually seemed to settle on something, everyone nodding in agreement and he could see Hannah singing something to them, waving her hands around as if to demonstrate a point. This carried on for about 20 minutes as he watched her in awe before she gave them a thumbs up and stepped infront of the microphone. Lando placed the headphones firmly on his head and waited, the man to his right pressing a few buttons and then suddenly the sound filled his ears.

🎶My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys- Taylor Swift🎶

Oh, here we go again.
The voices in his head
Called the rain to end our days of wild
The sickest army doll
Purchased at the mall
Rivulets descend my plastic smile
But you should've seen him
When he first got me
My boy only breaks his favorite toys
I'm queen of sand castles he destroys
Cause it fit too right
Puzzle pieces in the dead of night
Should've known it was a matter of time
Oh, my boy only breaks his favorite toys
There was a litany of reasons why
We could've played for keeps this time
I know I'm just repeating myself
Put me back on my shelf
But first - Pull the string
And I'll tell you that he runs
Because he loves me.
Cause you should've seen him
When he first saw me.
My boy only breaks his favorite toys
I'm queen of sand castles he destroys
Cause I knew too much
There was danger in the heat of my touch
He saw forever so he smashed it up
Oh, my boy only breaks his favorite toys
Once I fix me, he's gonna miss me
Once I fix me, he's gonna miss me
Just say when, I'd play again
He was my best friend
Down at the sandlot
I felt more when we played pretend
Than with all the Kens
Cause he took me out of my box
Stole my tortured heart
Left all these broken parts
Told me I'm better off
But I'm not
I'm not
I'm not.

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now