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On the following morning, Einar decided to focus on tending to the garden, a task that would help him keep his mind occupied and brighten his day. After having breakfast with Eldur, he prepared himself to tackle the morning ahead. Stepping out into the fresh forest air with Eldur by his side, he was ready to dedicate himself to the garden. He entered the tool shed to gather all the necessary materials before heading towards the garden area. Einar reflected on how important it was to maintain his small piece of land in good condition, especially for survival. The garden was not only an essential source of food for him but also an inspiration. He saw the plants thriving despite the cold, rain, and wind.Upon reaching the garden, Einar took hold of the necessary tools and began working. He started by removing weeds and loosening the soil around the plants. With care and attention, he inspected each plant, looking for signs of damage or disease. Fortunately, it seemed that the garden had weathered the winter well, and many of the plants were beginning to show the first signs of new growth. After completing the basic maintenance of the garden, Einar focused on sowing new seeds for the upcoming season. Carefully selecting a variety of vegetables and herbs, he prepared the soil and planted the seeds for the future harvest.As he worked, Eldur followed closely, observing each movement with interest. The presence of his faithful companion offered comfort and companionship during the work, and Einar was grateful for his constant presence. As the hours passed, the garden began to take shape under Einar's care. The air was filled with the scent of fresh earth and lush plants, and the sound of singing birds resonated nearby. It echoed through the forest, leaving tranquility and calmness in the ears of those who listened.As Einar continued his work in the garden, immersed in the beauty of the surrounding nature, he cared for each plant with patience and dedication, ensuring they received the attention and care they needed to grow and thrive. Meanwhile, Eldur moved agilely between the beds, curious to explore every corner of the garden and observe his master's work with interest. And Einar couldn't help but smile occasionally at his lively expressions.As the sun approached the horizon and the day drew to a close, Einar looked with satisfaction at the garden stretching out before him. It was a small corner of tranquility and fertility, a refuge of peace in a world full of uncertainties and pains. With Eldur by his side, Einar felt ready to face whatever the future would bring, aware that, despite the difficulties, there was always beauty and hope to be found in life.

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