Chapter 2

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"Emilia!" Jules entered the house, already yelling at me, with at least four bags. James trailed behind her, holding three more.

"Oh my god! Were only going for two weeks, even Tony packed less than that!" She rolled her eyes

"I only brought the necessary, plus one or two outfits" James grunted

"I'd say five" he said as he dropped all the bags. Bryce came through the door, clasping his hands together.

"Are we all here?" He took a quick look and nodded his head

"Shall we go?"

We all chorused some yeses and went out of the door, bags on hand.

We all proceeded to pile up on the van, loading all of our stuff.                                                                             Ç

"Guys, where are we going first?"

Believe me; I know we, as logical people would've, should have planned our getaway before actually getting away. Truth is, we all needed some spontaneity on our lives. We had already started summer break one month earlier, but believe me, the last month of school, in which practically none of us left their house, was truly stressing. And to think we had one full year to go.

"First stop is Tyler's house, remember?"

"Oh! The party" Jules stood up.

"What in hell? It's like four hours from here!" We all stared at her. Seriously?

"That's the point, babe" James cooed "Were starting off calm." James spoke slowly.

"So, who's driving?" I said, looking around.

"Tones! Hand me the list brotha" He handed me a ripped page, and it read

1) Emilia - Bryce

2) James - Jules

3) Bryce - Tony

4) Jules - James

5) Tony - Emilia


"First four hours are ours Brycey!, I drive and you develop your mad DJ skills" He smirked at me. We both took a seat, and I started up the engine. Everyone else was hanging in the back of the RV. As I saw jules retreat from besides me, with James by her side, I said.

"Jules" she stopped on her feet and turned to face me.

"What up?" James stepped next to her

"Both of you, no sex in the RV" Both of them blushed, they looked down and walked off sheepishly. Talk about awkward.

Soon, everyone had fallen asleep, but not Bryce, he never even blinked an eye.

"Tell me bud, what's up with you and this Thomas kid?"

"Dude! That is the exact same question Tony asked me like four hours ago!  Are you conspiring against me or something?" He chuckled

"No! You're my best friend; I want to know what's up." I bit my lip.

I killed the engine, and looked at him serious.

"The sky" he slapped his forehead dramatically. I laughed.

"That was seriously the worst attempt of joke ever, it's to fucking lame it's funny!" He looked at my face and cracked up too. Soon, we were both in hysterics, spilled over the floor. Tony apparently woke up and, rubbing his eyes, came over us. He fully turned to Bryce.

"Did you get any answers?" I pointed to Bryce, still lying in the floor.

"Oh my god! You were conspiring against me!" Bryce chuckled nervously.

"We just wanted to know! What if the guy is a murderer? Huh? Would you date him? Huh huh?" I rolled my eyes.

"He is not a murderer! He is really sweet, and nothing is going on between us" Tony's eyes widened, and his hands flew to his mouth.

"She said US! She has already started talking about them and a couple!" I rolled my eyes, which ive been doing recently.

"He can't damn stop texting you!" Bryce laughed.

"You know what? Give me your phone!" Tony reached for it, took it and unlocked it.

"Give me that back!" Tony, seeing as the skyscraper he is, only required to lift his hand up a bit to make it impossible for me to reach the device.

"It's not fair, you are tall!" I jumped, still not being even close from his elbow.

"Emi! Hi you looked really nice today, want to go out for some movies?" He read in this big threatening impression of a macho voice

"Hi Tom! Im sorry, I can't hang right now, I'm sick and Bryce is taking care of me" He read in his miserable impression of myself.

"I do not sound like that!" Bryce slung me over his shoulder, entered the miniature room inside the van and threw me to the bed.

"Now you stay there! Since your older brother is not here to assess the kid, Tony will be taking that job. Sweet dreams" He laid down next to me, wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his head into my neck. Not after three minutes, he was snoring, and I was trapped in his arms until he woke up. Rather than fight his grasp, I snuggled into him; and soon enough, started snoring too.



Okay so well, im not completely new to writing stories and am pretty much happy about how this one is going.

I currently have 27 reads and i am happy about it. If you liked the story, please tell me so. Comment, dm, vote, whatever you prefer. And thank you if you are reading this, it really means something!


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