8. Ext. Square - Noon

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Camera cuts to an overhead shot.

The girls run through the large gate and down a path to the square. Shops ranging from a toy shop to antique shop litter the area with a large fountain at the center.

They slow as they reach it, kinda tired.

(Breathing heavily)
Hah... Wow, I'm tired.

River bends over and places hands on knees.

(Breathing heavily)
I-I wonder why... Probably a bad decision to run the way we did...

Stace stretches her back.

River stands straight and stretches.

Ah! There we go. I feel just a teeny bit better. And hey, at least I got some exercise in.

Yeah, we both did. Okay, back to business.

She claps her hands together.

What is it you wanna do out here?

What I wanna do? Huh. Guess I hadn't thought about that.

Stace is in a "I can't even..." stage now.

You can't be serious. Are you telling me that you wanted us to potentially get in trouble without even knowing what to do after we succeeded. Which, let me remind you... Might have failed in the first place!

(Nervous laugh)
Honestly, I didn't even think we'd make it this far.

She glances off as she says this, and the air practically becomes still.

...What... You- you can't be serious! So you didn't even think we'd succeed in the first place?! I'll remind you, I'm the one supposed to care for your needs, so it's my head on the chopping block here!

Hey, calm down... You're making a scene.

Stace looks around and sees people in the square staring at them.

Nosy pricks...

She walks to River and grabs her wrist.

C'mon! I'll berate you somewhere with less spectators...

Camera cuts after showing River being dragged behind Stace by the wrist from a back shot.

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