The magic forest🧚‍♀️🧝‍♀️

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                            Chapter 1
Hi my name is Miya and I get mad a lot and very easily too but it's not my fault I mean it is 1964 and I have a thang called pisces and I have to go to therapy for it I mean I like therapy. I have friends there and stuff but just school I get sent to the principals office a lot but my best friend is Caroline and I don't know how I would live without her I mean she is that important to me we go to the beach together,we go to Paris together and every where together... oh bye see you tomorrow I got to go to bed.
                             Chapter 2
We just moved so we have a forest and mom said I can't go in until tomorrow but there is something wrong with the forest.i read a book about fairy's, pegasus and unicorns and they make weird sounds and they are the sounds I hear in the forest so tomorrow I am going to see if the forest is magical but I know for a fact it is magical but I don't know but 100% it is magical...good night see you tomorrow.
                            Chapter 3
Hi let's go to the it has rainbow sparkly mushrooms, actual Pegasus, unicorns and fairies I can't believe I was right I told you 100% fact I'm gonna go tell somebody wait never mind I can't. They won't believe me but I know who will.Caroline and for proof i'll bring her here then I will be famous. I wonder if I could ride the Pegasus and the fairies live in the magic mushrooms well some of the mushrooms there's about 125 fairies and about 1000 mushrooms but most of all the Pegasus there's infinite, literally even my best friend. could tell you. i'm going to explore some and I will tell you about it tomorrow.
                        Chapter 4
The forest was so amazing the Pegasus, the fairies and the unicorns didn't really know me yet so it's gonna take a while before I can ride well not the fairies. They're kind of scared but I think that if they get to know me then it would be a whole lot better , I think it's gonna take like two days and that is 48 hours because if you do the math a whole day equals 24 hours, but if you do 24×2 it would equal 48 or you could just do 24+24 which would equal 48 so two more days I'll probably be able to fly on those Pegasus and unicorns because they have wings too but the boy ones maybe when I get to know them, they'll tell me what they eat and maybe I could try it if it's not bugs or anything, but I'll see you tomorrow. Bye. Have a great rest of the day.
                          Chapter 5
Hey, I'm back and I'm gonna go back in the forest. Do you wanna come with me? Great let's go... we're back and now I see a cat. I named him tiger because he looks like a tiger and he's a tiger cat. That's a type of cat by the way if you don't know. I asked my mom if I could keep them she said yeah but he's my responsibility. I have to take care of him all by myself. Kind of sounds hard and it really is hard but mom said if I paid her back, she would get me automatic feeders for the cat, a water one and a food one but it's like $200 but I'm still paying for it because you know I'm rich but telling my life to you especially to the whole world is my thing to do but the Pegasus, the unicorns the cat the magical mushrooms, the fairies it's just a lot I mean a lot of magic i'm gonna go to sleep early so that when I wake up, I'm gonna go and I'm gonna go ride the Pegasus cause they're already getting to know me well so bye.
                              Chapter 6
I'm really about to get done telling you with all the stuff but I'm going to go ride those Pegasus and unicorns. This is so fun I mean wow this is amazing but I'm sad. I have to stop telling you about it because I just can't tell no more. It's hard and I know this was so short but I hope I can tell more stories about everything else so bye and if you wanna be riding magical fairies, then you can come over bye see you in the next story.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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